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Visibility Setting Question?

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When using real weather is there any setting I can change so that visibility never extends beyond a certain level ie. 30 miles? Even if real weather was unlimited. I don't want to have to go into the weather menu each time the real weather updates.

I know that this is not entirely realistic but would make my sim run better in UK with Photoreal Scenery.

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When using real weather is there any setting I can change so that visibility never extends beyond a certain level ie. 30 miles? Even if real weather was unlimited.

FSUIPC Visibility options, limits. There are several according to clouds etc. To limit it all the way up you also need to use the graduated visibility and set the top target visibility to whatever you want.

Is this not clear from the documentation (FSUIPC User Guide)? There's quite a bit on visibility options, and the limits, smoothing and graduation all work no matter where you get the weather from.



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