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Hi Peter!

I use WideFS 5.40 and the IPX/SPX Protokoll and on all Computers runs Win98SE!It runs but in the WideServerLog stand many lines like that

:Auto send stopped before all datas send and I have some stutters in my network!In my WideClientLog are standing many jumped sequences!I don't know what I can do anymore!I adjust everthing in my IPX/SPX properties Frame maximum connections and sockets!

Could you help me!

best regards and sorry for my bad english but I left shool for more than ten yars!

  Wonder said:

I use WideFS 5.40 and the IPX/SPX Protokoll and on all Computers runs Win98SE!It runs but in the WideServerLog stand many lines like that

:Auto send stopped before all datas send and I have some stutters in my network!In my WideClientLog are standing many jumped sequences!I don't know what I can do anymore!I adjust everthing in my IPX/SPX properties Frame maximum connections and sockets!

Could you help me!

Not really, if you've been through all the hints and suggestions in the documentation. Sorry. Worse, 5.40 is dead and unsupported -- I no longer have any code that old to check into.

But if you've tried everything and it is still the same, there is something badly wrong with your Network somewhere. Maybe someone who knows about Networks can help you sort it out. I've alweays found it to be a matter of trial and error -- swap the Network Cards, re-install the drivers. Try TCP/IP as well.




Hi Mr. Dowson!

Tomorrow I change my Protocoll from IPX/SPX to TCP/IP!My question is what do I have to adjust under properties!First of all must I adjust some parameters (for example "MAXIMUM CONNECTION and MACXIMUM SOCKETS") or "FRAME" like IPX/SPX ?Or only IP-Adress and enter in Wide Client-INI?

Please help me you are great person in the world and a Programmer!!!

Best regards from Grmany!!!

  Wonder said:

My question is what do I have to adjust under properties!First of all must I adjust some parameters (for example "MAXIMUM CONNECTION and MACXIMUM SOCKETS") or "FRAME" like IPX/SPX ?Or only IP-Adress and enter in Wide Client-INI?

I just mostly use the defaults without any problems, though I think you probably should check that The Network device property "Link Speed/Duplex Mode" or similar is set to 100 Full rather than Auto modes (I think Auto slows it down a touch). Receive buffer maximum of 64k if that's there.

For TCP/IP it is best if you assign fixed IP addresses to each PC rather than have them being looed up and assigned each time.

And if you've then got nothing else using IPX/SPX, uninstall that protocol on every PC. (If you use WidevieW you won't be able to, however).

For more authoritative network advice I'd ask Katy Pluta over in the FS2004 forum. She has helped me a few times! :)





I changed my protocoll yesterday and I must say it is really better!No stuttering!But I noticed if I reduced my Frame rate to 15fps hold Wide FS runs smoothly!Is it correct?I have 4 clients and 1 Server;on the the clients where GC_Software is running I have no Errors or Jumped sequnces in the WideClientLog everthing is OK,but in the Wide Client log from the client where CDU and MCP-Software is running I find this in the Log-file:

-Note:send( )request depth is over 100!

-send done (109bytes) after 6 retries,request depth is 810

and 5 lines like this below:

-Get Recv( ) missed block?Sequence 3141 jumped to 3143

each line has another number at the end!!!!!

In the Wide server log-file I find many lines like this

- auto send stopped before all datas send = ERROR 10035

all lines have the same ERROR-numbers!What can I still do or adjust ?

  Wonder said:

I noticed if I reduced my Frame rate to 15fps hold Wide FS runs smoothly!Is it correct?

Whatever works best for you -- it depends mostly on the power of the Server PC. With a P4 3.2GHz server I set the lmiiter to 20 or 25 fps for best results.

in the Wide Client log from the client where CDU and MCP-Software is running I find this in the Log-file:

-Note:send( )request depth is over 100!

-send done (109bytes) after 6 retries,request depth is 810

and 5 lines like this below:

-Get Recv( ) missed block?Sequence 3141 jumped to 3143

Not so good. Is this often, and during flight? Something is blocking up the network link there. Does the PM network checking program report everything okay?

I used to have my MCP on the same PC as the FMS, but I found it was better actually on the FS PC ittself -- saves a lot of Network traffic I think. And don't forget the FMS uses the Network for standard file sharing too -- if it is having any difficulties it may clobber the WideClient traffic too.

Otherwise, I would suspect the Network settings or hardware on that PC. Might be best to get advice from the PM folks though. Katy Pluta knows quite a bit about Networks, and there are some hints in the NOTAMS on the PM website.

each line has another number at the end!!!!!

Why the "!!!!!" ? I can't comment on your descriptions of log lines. The number on the very left is the elapsed time in milliseconds. Is that what you mean? Why the astonishment?

In the Wide server log-file I find many lines like this

- auto send stopped before all datas send = ERROR 10035

all lines have the same ERROR-numbers!What can I still do or adjust ?

Are the socket numbers for the socket which the FMS/MCP is connecting to (you willl see the name of the PC on one of the messages)? If so, that is merely the other end of the same problem and also explains why some blocks are missing -- the Server couldn't send them because Windows couldn't reach the client.

There is some Network problem there, but what it is I'm afraid I cannot tell. If I've ever had a problem I've used trial and error to fix it -- different PC, different Network Card, reinstalling Network Card, different cable, etc etc. Maybe Katy Pluta in PM support has some ideas, she is very knowledgeable with networks.




Hello !

I have looked in the WideServerLog-file and at the beginning stands this:

-Incoming connection Accepted ok(skt1696)

-Connected to computer "Client 1"(skt1696)

-Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt 1592)

-Connected to computer "Client2" (skt 1592)

-Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt1700)

-Connected to computer "Client3" (skt1700)

Can you read something about it!

In Wide Server -Ini and Wide Client-Ini is standing


Do I have to enter something from the "skt"-numbers somewhere in the Ini-files?And what do you think with "Don't forget the FMS uses the Network for standard file sharing too"?

I've all folders "CDU","MCP","FSdata" and my Drive "c"(Harddisk " full Sharing(I think with read and write access!)Is it not correct?Has Katy an own E-Mail adress,if I use support_adress from PM mostly Enrico give me an answer!!!

  Wonder said:

I have looked in the WideServerLog-file and at the beginning stands this:

-Incoming connection Accepted ok(skt1696)

-Connected to computer "Client 1"(skt1696)

-Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt 1592)

-Connected to computer "Client2" (skt 1592)

-Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt1700)

-Connected to computer "Client3" (skt1700)

Can you read something about it!

Of course, it shows three clients connecting, Client1, Client2 and Client3. That's what it says, that's what it means. The socket numbers you can use to relate those to any error messages later. What is the problem, isn't this part of the log obvious enough?

In Wide Server -Ini and Wide Client-Ini is standing


Do I have to enter something from the "skt"-numbers somewhere in the Ini-files?

No. Ports and Sockets are not at all related, hence the totally different name! Sockets are allocated by Windows Sockets (WinSock) as needed. The numbers will change each time something connects. You don't control them, you have nothing to do with them.

And what do you think with "Don't forget the FMS uses the Network for standard file sharing too"?

I've all folders "CDU","MCP","FSdata" and my Drive "c"(Harddisk " full Sharing(I think with read and write access!)Is it not correct?

Sorry, I think you can have all that checked automatically by one of PM's programs. You can also get logging from the PM programs to help, but all this should be done with PM's direction. Even I have to ask them if I need help.

Has Katy an own E-Mail adress,if I use support_adress from PM mostly Enrico give me an answer!!!

Katy answers many things in the PM Newsgroup, and she is also a moderator in the FS2004 Forum, here.



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