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A/P problems with FS2004

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Hi Peter,

I have recently installed FS9 together with your latest registered version of FSUIPC.

If I setup the A/P I can only get altitude settings of 1000ft increments and headings in 10deg increments. It appears to set correctly before the A/P is activated but the moment I engage it in flight subsequent changes are as stated.

Have you any idea why this is, and what is the cure?

Thanks, Barrie

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Thanks for your reply, I'll try that.

Actually it was only the default aircraft because that is the ones I tried. I only have one other at present and that is the new MAAM DC3.

I have since reinstalled the game and that has cured the problem, but as yet not installed FSUIPC. I did however take the caution to delete the relavant FSUIPC files in the Modulesfolder before I uninstalled the game.

So we'll try again, and if it occurs again I'll apply this Fix.

Thanks, Barrie

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Actually it was only the default aircraft because that is the ones I tried. I only have one other at present and that is the new MAAM DC3.

Well the control acceleration only occurs when there's something (program, Gauge or DLL) continually sending controls to FS, a t a rate fast enough to fool the rather simplistic code inside FS which assumes that, if a control arrives within so many milliseconds of a previous one then it must be the same one again, so it needs to speed it up.

Mostly this is caused by some add-on panels which have gauges or modules (DLLs) which send these controls. If it's a DLL it may not matter which aircraft you fly.

The fix in FSUIPC is relatively simple. It intercepts ALL controls and if it sees one which is different from the previous one it overwrites the FS timeout which is used to accelerate it. If the control is the same as the last, FSUIPC leaves it be.



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Hi Pete,

Thanks for that interesting explanation. After (apparently un-necessary) re-instalation of FS2004 I have also reinstalled FSUIPC and ticked the relavant box. All is now working just fine.

FSUIPC is undoubtable a very useful program.

BTW sorry to hear of your eye problems. I know what that's all about as I have gone through the cataract procedure myself, twice now. You really apprciate your faculties when you don't have them or they are not what they used to be. Eye sight is such a precious thing. Your problem is one of the troubles with getting older, though I do hear of this happening to some youngsters as well. I am just 75 and have lots of aches & pains these days. Well it comes to us all.

I do hope you soon are fully up & running.

Regards, Barrie :D :D

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Your problem is one of the troubles with getting older

Yes, though apparently it is more so for those of us with Retinitis Pigmentosa, which has been progressively getting worse for the last 10 years. It was that which stopped me flying for real. The eye on which they removed the cataracts first is actually the one with the worst R.P. induced tunnel vision, so it gives me better long sight but very very narrow! :?

Ah wellthe date for the other eye has just been confirmed as July 14th (Bastille Day :) ), so not long before I'm hopefully running normally again.



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Hi Pete,

My that's a big word, and eyes are a very big subject despite their small size. I know someone in our village who would know all about that. He's the surgeon who operated on mine and he's very good. What a coincidence him living so close and now we are on very friendly terms, not that I see much of him he's so busy.

At least you've had the satisfaction of doing real flying, wish I had. I have to be content with FS but I do love it.

Well I'll wish you all the best on 14th July.

Regards, Barrie

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