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NAV freq changing

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Hi Pete,

Sorry if this has been covered in other threads or in the documentation. I couldn't find anything related to this, so here it goes.

I am trying to change the NAV frequency via FSUIPC and indeed I have done it, but I can only access (and change) the standby frequency (standard Microsoft B737, FS2002 or 2004). I thought I should be able to directly change the active NAV frequency (as the Lear model in FS2004 seems to do).

The reason I would like to do this is to see the resulting change in Project Magenta's ND and therefore bypass the need for a dedicated LED display in a cockpit project of mine. Of courese, even if this could be done, I am still left with the problem of displaying the ADF frequency (which is not displayed in PM's ND). But I would already be happy enough changing NAV1 and NAV2 snd seing the result without building special hardware.

Thanks for your thoughts,


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I am trying to change the NAV frequency via FSUIPC and indeed I have done it, but I can only access (and change) the standby frequency (standard Microsoft B737, FS2002 or 2004). I thought I should be able to directly change the active NAV frequency (as the Lear model in FS2004 seems to do).

I assume when you say "via FSUIPC" you mean programming buttons or keys for those FS controls offered in FSUIPC's drop-down lists? If so, these in general only list those supplied by FS, it is a fuller list than that provided in FS's Options-Controls-Assignments. True, I've added some special ones for FSUIPC.

FS simulates the real Bendix-King type radios, in which you do change the standby frequency and swap it into the in-use. (With the NAV radios, if they are set to display the radial in the standby position (a feature not supported by default FS radios), the knobs do then adjust the in-use frequency instead).

If, instead, you are talking about programming FSUIPC through its offsets (i.e. interfacing a control program to FS), then you can indeed read and write both standby and in-use frequencies.

The reason I would like to do this is to see the resulting change in Project Magenta's ND and therefore bypass the need for a dedicated LED display in a cockpit project of mine.

Why not just remove the standby frequency facility in your choice of aircraft? Look in the Aircraft.CFG file. Find the [Radios] section. In the default FS2004 Lear you will see:


// Radio Type = availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope

Audio.1 = 1

Com.1 = 1, 0

Com.2 = 1, 0

Nav.1 = 1, 0, 1

Nav.2 = 1, 0, 0

Adf.1 = 1

Transponder.1 = 1

Marker.1 = 1

See how the "standby" is defined as 0 in this? Compare it to the Cessna:


// Radio Type = availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope

Audio.1 = 1

Com.1 = 1, 1

Com.2 = 1, 1

Nav.1 = 1, 1, 1

Nav.2 = 1, 1, 0

Adf.1 = 1

Transponder.1 = 1

Marker.1 = 1

Of courese, even if this could be done, I am still left with the problem of displaying the ADF frequency (which is not displayed in PM's ND).

Is this for an Airbus? I don't know those, but the ADF frequency IS displayed in PM's Boeing ND if you've selected ADF for one of the sides (L or R) -- each ND can display ADF/VOR1/Off on the left and ADF/VOR2/off on the right as per the EFIS switches. I believe the ADF2 will be (or is already) supported in PM too -- FS2004 supports two ADFs.



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Indeed by saying "via FSUIPC" I meant using the FSUIPC drop-down list to assign keystrokes to up and down freq changes. I am doing this now with the keyboard itself, but will later use a keyboard encoder (Hagstrom KE72) to feed a rotary encoder's pulses into the PC and let FSUIPC translate (using its drop-down list) those keystrokes into FS commands.

Thank you for showing me how to disable the stanby frequency in the .CFG file. It id the trick.

As for the ADF... yes, it was the Boeing ND I was thinking of. It does show the ADF as you descrtibed, but I only got it to show the NDB 3-letter identification (if a valid, in-range frequency is selected) or the word "ADF" otherwise. As yet I did not manage to display an ADF frequency in the ND, but I will look deeper into PM's manual for that.

Please accept my wishes of very best luck with your eyes' condition.

And of course, many thanks for sharing your time with so many hobbists.

Best regards,


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