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PFC Crash to Desktop

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I am being bedevilled by an intermittent CTD from PFC from a PFC Baron Throttle Quadrant and Rudders.

I can eventually get running by persistent tries or deleting PFC.ini and starting from scratch.

Once running it will work normally until next FS9 reload.

The only error noted in the logs files is consistent as shown:

001923187: ReadFile: nRead=0, res=1, err=0

001923203: Refesh initialisation to synchronize switches

001923312: ReadFile: nRead=0, res=0, err=6

001923312: CreateFile "\\.\COM1": error=0

I am currently running registered vesion of newest FSUIPC and PFC files but it happens with previous versions supplied by PFC.

Using Com1 at 9600,8,n,1, No flow Control.

FS9 is completely stable without Pfc.dll loaded.

Wxp Home on Dell 8300, clean and stable also.




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The only error noted in the logs files is consistent as shown:

001923187: ReadFile: nRead=0, res=1, err=0

001923203: Refesh initialisation to synchronize switches

001923312: ReadFile: nRead=0, res=0, err=6

001923312: CreateFile "\\.\COM1": error=0

What logging are you enabling in PFC's Test page? It is not a good idea to turn on any of that except on request for my own diagnosis. Please turn it all off.

There's no particular error there of any note. However, the "synchronize switches" refresh is normally done shortly after FS is ready to fly, yet the timestamp on these lines shows it occurring 1923 seconds into FS! I don't understand that. Is it perhaps because you started with a deleted PFC.INI and only entered the Serial port name late?

Anyway, I have had one other case where the restarts were causing a problem in WinXP. I seem to have fixed that in my latest version (1.90) which is almost ready -- just documentation to do as usual! :wink:

For the time being try switching off the restarts -- both the Sync Init as above and those which may occur on any long delays in seeing PFC data. The parameters you need both go into the [Connection] section of PFC.INI and are:



Whilst you're there, change any Debug vlaue to Debug=0 to stop the excess logging.

When you get version 1.90, maybe later this week, try removing these parameters, then let me know.



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Thanks Pete, will do that, and wait for next update when you get around to it.

I have a PCI modem on Com3 which I disabled this AM and actually got a solid FS9 load. Will see what happens later.

One question - not a problem.

I have an older PFC Cirrus yoke from a previous Elite installation.

I currently have it on the game port and it works fine.

If I connect it through the Throttle Quadrant, PFC sees it and it calibrates nicely, but FS9 does not.

My configuration or incompatibility?



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I have an older PFC Cirrus yoke from a previous Elite installation.

I currently have it on the game port and it works fine.

If I connect it through the Throttle Quadrant, PFC sees it and it calibrates nicely, but FS9 does not.

Sorry, I'm not sure I understand. FS9 is not really involved in "seeing" anything that my PFC.DLL driver does -- PFC.DLL works directly with FSUIPC to drive FS without any assignments, calibrations, etc, in FS at all.

If you connect your control axes through the PFC system you need really to disconnect the same ones in FS. In fact, unless you have some other joystick connections to FS you should disable joysticks in FS altogether.

Don't forget to enable the control axes in the PFC.DLL dialogue. If you've been using a normally connected joystick they are probably disabled in PFC.DLL to avoid interference. There are individual checkboxes to enable them.



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