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Purchased FSUIPC - No Registration Emailed?!

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Earlier today I purchased FSUIPC via simmarket.com. Everything seemed to go normal and the charge has been processed. I cant find any reference to the registration for the program anywhere. The email I received only has an order number and no mention of a location of the registration info.

Again on the simmarket.com site under my account it shows that the purchase has been processed and is complete. Perhaps there is a delay for in house confirmation, but I would think the initial email would let you know to expect another email. They kind of leave you wondering if there is a problem with the purchase or process.

Should I have received the registration info via email? If there is a normal delay that is okay, but according to the simmarket site I should be all set.

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Earlier today I purchased FSUIPC via simmarket.com. Everything seemed to go normal and the charge has been processed. I cant find any reference to the registration for the program anywhere. The email I received only has an order number and no mention of a location of the registration info.

I think you'll find that it does explain on the site that the registration will be emailed to you within 24 hours. All you get automatically is a receipt. Humans have to process the order and dispatch the keys. You cannot expect them to be able to always respond immediately!

Here's what it says very clearly and explicitly in the order page on SimMarket, right near the top:

DELIVERY Personal Registration Key will be Generated and Emailed within 24 hours

NOTE: Keys will arrive by a separate LATER email, though we all try hard, there's no way a turn-round can be guaranteed faster than 24 hours!

Surely that is clear. :roll:



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Thanks for the response!

I was kind of figuring that was the case. I went back to the confirmation email and on the web site with my order details and there is no mention of the Key being sent within 24hrs. It would be much easier if SimMarket included the specifics of the delivery with the confirmation email.

I do see the 24hrs mentioned on the purchase page now. It was just confusing when the email and the web site claim that the order is complete (considering that most add-on purchases are automated and happen instantly). Not complaining about the delay though, just want to make sure some error had not occurred.

Thanks. Looking forward to the full version of FSUIPC.

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Thanks for the response!

I was kind of figuring that was the case. I went back to the confirmation email and on the web site with my order details and there is no mention of the Key being sent within 24hrs. It would be much easier if SimMarket included the specifics of the delivery with the confirmation email.

But they are different for different products. The receipt system is probably an automated generic system. With some things you order you would expect a box in the post several days later, with others there may be something later from the author. I think the fact that the DELIVERY method is spelled out clearly on the order page is sufficient, but if you feel otherwise by all means submit a complaint to SimMarket. They've been trading in this way for many products for a long time now and I would have thought they would have already heard from folks if it was a problem.

most add-on purchases are automated and happen instantly

Are they? I buy quite a lot of stuff on the Internet and rarely have I had instant returns of keys or anything. Some places only tell you that the author is notified and he should get back within 2 days or so.



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Oh no need for a complaint. I was just suggesting that it might be a good idea for SimMarket to add the delivery info with the confirmation email. Even with the "key within 24hrs" on the order page the info sent to me after the purchase was a little confusing. As far as other add-ons every one I have purchased has had some sort of instant approval. FSD International, Eagle Soft, Fight 1, FS Genesis all have it set up so that the purchase process validates the transaction and then validates the install instantly. In each case the product key arrives immediately. Certainly FSUIPC is a different product and may have a different procedure, but I am just trying to explain my base of experience.

I was used to a different process and when the confirmation email came saying "Follow this link to see your order details, retrieve registration keys and for links for Direct Download Delivery:" I figured that I should be able to locate the key at that point. Following the link let me know the order was complete and there was no additional info. That leaves one wondering if a mistake had just been made. Just trying to explain why I was uncertain about the process. A simple “This email is only a confirmation of your order – Registration Info will follow within 24hrs” would make it crystal clear. Ultimately I think it was the line in bold above that left me uncertain.

In any case I thought a quick post in the forum would straighten me out and it did! Thanks.

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Certainly FSUIPC is a different product and may have a different procedure, but I am just trying to explain my base of experience.

It isn't so much FSUIPC being a different product, but SimMarket have their own system. Maybe you've never purchased from SimMarket before. It'll just be the way their system works. I doubt that they will want to rewrite their software but you can always suggest it to them.



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I got it all figured out now. Thanks for the help!

BTW FSUIPC is a great tool for FS9 (you probably already know that! :D) and I am already happy that I made the purchase. Im a working commercial pilot and I still love to use the flight sim for fun and for getting back to basics practicing approaches in GA aircraft from time to time. FSUIPC does much to improve the experience for me. I had used previous freeware versions for 2000 & 2002, but I had forgot what I was missing since FS9 arrived.

Im glad I can use and support your great work.

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