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Traffic Look Airborne Nautical Miles

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Hi there,

I absolutely love FSUIPC and all of its features. I have a quick question about TrafficLook.

Specifically is there a way to change the Nautical Miles limit on how far away airborne aircraft appear in TrafficLook? Right now it looks to be set to 40NM. That is normally fine, but the airport that I am at is about 30NM away from another, much more busy airport and as a result, my TrafficLook gets filled up with arrivals and departures from that airport.

Just curious.


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Specifically is there a way to change the Nautical Miles limit on how far away airborne aircraft appear in TrafficLook?

TrafficLook only reports what FSUIPC gives it. The range is controlled by FSUIPC -- look in the Technical options. If your FSUIPC is not user registered then you will have to change those parameters in the INI file -- they are listed in the Advanced User's Guide. 40nm is default because that's the normal TCAS range in real aircraft. AI's maximum range is about 80 nm.



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