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FSUIPC Wont Let FS Load

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Hi Guys, ive just installed FS9 and it works fine untill i place FSUIPC (latest version) into the moudles folder. When i do this and start FS9, the following happens;

Box Title - MS Visual C++ Runtime Library

Runtime Error!

Program E:\Microsoft\fs9.exe

abnormal program termination

When i click ok, a new box pops up:

fs9.exe application error

the instruction "0z74..." referenced memory at "04..." The memory could not be "read"

Click ok to terminate the program

And FS doesnt work, if i remove FSUIPC from modules folder then it loads fine????

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ive just installed FS9 and it works fine untill i place FSUIPC (latest version) into the moudles folder.

Hmm. The term "latest version" is meaningless. Every version has a version number. I've had folks quiting "latest version" for a version six months or more out of date -- it's the 'latest' one they have seen! :roll:

And FS doesnt work, if i remove FSUIPC from modules folder then it loads fine????

This really isn't likely to be an FSUIPC problem. Either something which uses FSUIPC is faulty and crashing, or, if this is at initial load, it is either a faulty FS installation or there is a hardware problem or some incompatibility with something else you have installed. The probable reason there's a difference between FSUIPC installed or not is either some add-on using ut, or, if you have none, the slightly different arrangement of FS memory when it is present.



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