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GoFlight module not recognized

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Hi Pete,

Me again. I'm trying to help a guy on the GoFlight forum program his modules via FSUIPC. He claims FSUIPC is not recognizing his P8 buttons. Yoke is ok, just not the GF module.

He claims he has a registered copy of FSUIPC 3.30. I don't yet know what FS he's running nor do I know his OS.

The manual says assigning keypresses to buttons is not available with Win95? Does this apply to "control" assignments as well?

It also stated...

Controls aimed at other programs can be included. Currently these include... generally any WideFS client programs via the WideClient "KeySend" facility

If he is using Win95 would this feature also be unavailable, or is the KeySend feature not related to assigning keypresses?

I will double check his location of the GFSev.dll file.

In the meantime, what else could cause PSUIPC to not recognize a module?

Thanks for your time,


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Me again. I'm trying to help a guy on the GoFlight forum program his modules via FSUIPC. He claims FSUIPC is not recognizing his P8 buttons. Yoke is ok, just not the GF module.

Most likely reason is that the GF driver (GFDev.dll) is not installed. He needs to go to the GoFlight website and download and install the latest package -- it now automatically installs that DLL as well.

The manual says assigning keypresses to buttons is not available with Win95? Does this apply to "control" assignments as well?

To be honest I have no idea what might not work in Win95. I know that nothing works in WinNT, but I haven't had Win95 for many years and I know no one still using it. I would have thought that even FS would have difficulties in Win95. The reason the key press programming is explicitly not supported is that the "SendInput" API which it uses wasn't added to Windows until Win98.

... is the KeySend feature not related to assigning keypresses?

KeySend is a method of relating events in the FS PC to keypresses in the client. The client does not use "SendInput" -- WideClient pre-dates that facility in Windows.

In the meantime, what else could cause PSUIPC to not recognize a module?

FSUIPC doesn't recognise any GF stuff. All it does is register a call back function with GFDev.DLL. After that it just gets calls when things happen. The actual units are identified by GFDev. So the only way it won't work is if it cannot find GFDev or if the version of GFDev it does find is not working. The solution to either is to install the latest GF software.



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Well, he says he has the current 1.33 build 10 of the GoFlight GFdev.dll and it is in the GoFlight directory. I'm at a loss.

FSUIPC looks in the Registry for the correct path. When the GoFlight installer is run it adds that Registry entry -- pointing to GFConfig.exe, which is where it also stores GFDev.dll.

The Registry entry in which the path is found is

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CurrentVersion\App Paths\GFConfig.exe.

Maybe he installed things manually, perhaps by copying them over, or has re-installed Windows since then and forgot to re-install the GF software. Any of those would lose the vital Registry link. There's no other way FSUIPC can reliably find the DLL, though I suppose it is possible that Windows would find it for me if it were placed in the Windows\System32 directory. Not sure.



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Thought I would just inform you of the results...

He claims he has a registered copy of FSUIPC 3.30

Well, he didn't, but he does now. All is well, except he's having conflicts between the GF-MCP and the PM-MCP. I told him I could not help him there but I said you may or may not know something that may help.

That's as far as I'm going with this. If he needs more help, he should be contacting you.

Thank you very, very much for your help.

Take care,


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... he's having conflicts between the GF-MCP and the PM-MCP. I told him I could not help him there but I said you may or may not know something that may help.

Does Goflight provide a PM driver for their MCP? I didn't think they did. I thought that was one of the main uses of FSUIPC's GoFlight support -- that and PMDG MCP. Of course you'd presunably have to remove the GoFlight MCP DLL from the FS Modules folder, if there is one. You won't get the displays operated from FSUIPC though.

I am at a bit of a disadvantage here, not having a GF-MCP.

That's as far as I'm going with this. If he needs more help, he should be contacting you.

No, he shouldn't, not on GF-MCP versus PM. The best place is the Project Magenta newsgroup. I'm sure there will be others who've been through all this there.



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