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Wide Server Error

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Good evening,

I get this error on the FS9 server PC running under XP Home:

Server listen() failed[Error=0]

On the Client PC, running under XP Pro I get: Waiting for a connection. (sounds ok)

Client log is:

********* WideClient.DLL Log [version 6.23] Class=FS98MAIN *********

Date (dmy): 24/08/04, Time 15:53:36.828: Client name is FS2004

78 Attempting to connect now

78 Trying TCP/IP host "Toshiba" ...

78Okay, IP Address =

21063 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10060] Connection timed out

21063 Ready to try connection again

21078 Attempting to connect now

Server log is:

********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 6.23] *********

Using blocksize guide of 4096 bytes

Date (dmy): 24/08/04, Time 16:07:25.656: Server name is TOSHIBA

18250 Initialising server socket now

35203 Server listen() failed [Error=0] (skt=3176)

35203 Failed to start Server!

37484 Closing down now ...

Memory managed: Offset records: 0 alloc, 0 free

Throughput maximum achieved: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

Throughput average achieved for complete session: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

********* Log file closed *********

The WideClient.ini is:

; PLEASE SEE WideFS documentation for parameter details

; =====================================================















; -----------------------------------------------



; ===============================================

The WideServer.ini is:

; PLEASE SEE the documentation for parameter details

; ==================================================












; -----------------------------------------------



; ===============================================

What is wrong?

Thanks for your kind attention.


PS: would it be possible one day to have WideFS running with Bluetooth???

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I get this error on the FS9 server PC running under XP Home:

Server listen() failed[Error=0]


What is wrong?

I'm sorry, but I really have no idea at all. I've not seen the "listen" ever fail before, and it doesn't help that Windows has not returned a useful error number to give the reason. The two seem incompatible.

All I could do in such circumstances it try different things in the hope that it would work. First of all, maybe, download WideFS again in case of file corruption. Then, assuming no change, uninstalling and re-installing the Network on the Server PC.

Possibly there's some other program or service running which is stopping WideServer offering its service? I don't know much anout firewalls and so on, but that's also an area to investigate.

Katy Pluta, who visits the FS2004 Forum sometimes, is good on Networks, so it might be worthwhile asking there.

Sorry, I can't be of further help at present. I've not seen this error before, and everything else looks okay from your files.

PS: would it be possible one day to have WideFS running with Bluetooth???

WideFs doesn't know or care what method you use to connect things, that will be all hidden beneath the layers of Windows software which it has to go through. If Bluetooth is supported as a Network connection method using either TCP/IP or IPX/SPX protocols, then it should work, same as Direct Connection does via serial or parallel port, or WiFi.



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I have a very, very bad news. It can not be worst! :cry:

I have re-installed FS2002 just to be sure and :idea: , the program performs very well with Project Magenta and PSS, PMDG etc... etc... :cry: :cry:

I might have to re-install FS9 but I have so many things there, I do not know how to start.

Has anybody a good idea about how to proceed without deleting everything!

What about if I do an install upon the existing program?

I am listening any good suggestions.




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hi JPReuland,

I am currently adding a network view on my software... I had similar problem only twice during test, and in both cases restarting the server solved the problem.

As WideFS is running through FS, it means you need to restart FS.

Another problem I had (its in the forum somewhere), where WideFS would fail (but with an error number) due to security issue:


but I guess you are launching FS with the default shortcut provided.

To reinstall FS9, I would suggest copying the following folders to a safe location, then uninstall - install FS9... once installed, copy the folders/files over.





Addon Scenery

Scenery (only if you have installed anything in that folder)


I don't think I have missed anything... but if you want to be really sure, just rename the FS folder to something else, and after reinstalling, move one folder at a time...

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I am currently adding a network view on my software... I had similar problem only twice during test, and in both cases restarting the server solved the problem.

As WideFS is running through FS, it means you need to restart FS.

Ah, not necessarily. This bit of the WideFS documentation applies:

Except for an incorrect or missing Registration, a serious error which prevents WideServer from offering a service will result in a message box appearing whilst Flight Simulator is getting ready. Pressing OK should allow you to continue using FS, but the WideFS link will not be operating. If you configure a “hot key” to restart WideServer (see RestartHotKey below, in the section on WideServer.ini options) then you can make WideServer try the whole initialisation sequence again.

So, worth a try? Configure a RestartHotKey and see if that gets it going.

BTW it does sound like there may be some interaction with another add-on which is launching with FS. Check for other additional (non-Microsoft) modules which have been added into the Modules folder, other than WideServer.dll and FSUIPC.dll of course. Try without each extra one, one at a time.



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Ok, I have been working a lot these hours!

Thank you both for your suggestions.

I have deleted FS9 completely. Then re-installed it with NO addons!

With the 2 registered programs in the module folder. Nothing else in that module folder.

FS9 starts but immediately comes always the same error message as before.

On FS2002, it runs perfectly.

I do not understand what is going on?

Thanks and regards


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I have deleted FS9 completely. Then re-installed it with NO addons!

With the 2 registered programs in the module folder. Nothing else in that module folder. FS9 starts but immediately comes always the same error message as before.

On FS2002, it runs perfectly.

I do not understand what is going on?

Nor do I. That's weird.

When you "deleted FS9" do you mean you uninstalled it, or just dleeted it? it does store quite a few things elsewhere -- in your "My Documents" folders, especially. Maybe there's some multiplayer mode or flight situation it is loading which is clobbering things.

All I can suggest is that you find the FS9.CFG file and remove that, see if it helps. FS will make a new one.



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Pete sorry for you being still around this mess!

Yes, I did an uninstall first and after I removed manually all the folders in the FS9 included this latest one.(Rana suggestion)

But indeed, I forgot about the FS9.CFG file.

I will take care about this tonight. I am here in Java/Indonesia and it is still work time :cry:

I will let you know later today.


JP Reuland

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I have uninstalled 3 times and cleaned all possible files of FS9, but still it does not want to work.

I have no problem with FS2002.

I'm very sorry, but I am completely stumped. I've not even seen that error report before, let alone had a problem which only applied to an unadorned FS2004 installation. There is then really nothing to stop it.

Can you explain the problem (especially the error message) to Katy over in the FS2004 forum? Maybe she has some ideas.

Possibly there are some properties in the Network adaptor settings or in the TCP/IP protocol settings which, because of some difference in FS2004 compared to FS2002, prevent WideServer listening on any sockets? Something like the number of sockets being set too low, and FS2004 grabbing them all, perhaps? Did you check through all the possible problems outlined in the WideFS documentation (don't ignore them just because they are mainly applicable to IPX/SPX, try them all).



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