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Hi, i would to know if the fsuipc module lead the following situation:


i've a IOCARD to lead several button,lights etc... and this card use own software such as iocard.exe to link fsuipc with the board and flight simulator, and to do this it stay always running.

Now my question is , if i buy also a Epic Usb to expand my cockpit

and then use the epicinfo module, the two board can works together or not ?

I mean if with the first software i receive for example the value of the offset $07cc, with Epic can i receive the same offset in the same time ?

Thanks in advance at who reply me


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i've a IOCARD to lead several button,lights etc... and this card use own software such as iocard.exe to link fsuipc with the board and flight simulator, and to do this it stay always running.

Now my question is , if i buy also a Epic Usb to expand my cockpit

and then use the epicinfo module, the two board can works together or not ?

Yes, I don't see why not. I presume you are not using them both for the same things -- obviously there could be conflicts if one wanted to set one radio frequency and the other a different one (for instance). But FSUIPC or EpicInfo wouldn't care, you would simply get confused results in FS.

I mean if with the first software i receive for example the value of the offset $07cc, with Epic can i receive the same offset in the same time ?

Yes, there's no problem how many applications or drivers are READING a parameter, for display for example. You can only get conflicts arising when different things want to SET the same parameter to different values. But nothing will crash, FSUIPC will allow this, you'll just see odd results, maybe values flickering or a 'random' result occurring depending on who wrote what last.



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i've a IOCARD to lead several button,lights etc... and this card use own software such as iocard.exe to link fsuipc with the board and flight simulator, and to do this it stay always running.

Now my question is , if i buy also a Epic Usb to expand my cockpit

and then use the epicinfo module, the two board can works together or not ?

Yes, I don't see why not. I presume you are not using them both for the same things -- obviously there could be conflicts if one wanted to set one radio frequency and the other a different one (for instance). But FSUIPC or EpicInfo wouldn't care, you would simply get confused results in FS.

I mean if with the first software i receive for example the value of the offset $07cc, with Epic can i receive the same offset in the same time ?

Yes, there's no problem how many applications or drivers are READING a parameter, for display for example. You can only get conflicts arising when different things want to SET the same parameter to different values. But nothing will crash, FSUIPC will allow this, you'll just see odd results, maybe values flickering or a 'random' result occurring depending on who wrote what last.



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