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How do I set reverse for the Mix and Pro AXIS on my Yoke?

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I decided to get the registered version of FSUIPC to turn the Mixture axis into reverse thrust, and the propller axis into Spoiler. How may I do that?

For the spoiler you don't need FSUIPC. Just go into FS Options-Controls-Assignments, select Joystick axes, and reassign your prop axis as a spoiler.

For reverse thrust on the mixture control, you simply go to FSUIPC's Joysticks page, find the part with the reverser on it, and calibrate it there (press the "Set" button and simply follow the numbered steps for calibration in the User Guide).

Is the user documentation really that bad? :(



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Hi, Peter. Sorry to inform you this, but I am totally new to this whole programming and advanced user stuff.

To calibrate the reverser? That is not programming, nor advanced! It is enumerated step by step in the User manual. Which particular step don't you understand? There is really no point in me re-printing sections of the manual here!

Can you tell me what exactly I have to put into my INI file and how to calibrate it?

Why on Earth are you thinking you have to go anywhere near any INI file? The options are provided in a DIALOGUE, on screen, when you are running FS. Install FSUIPC, run FS, select FSUIPC (Modules Menu, FSUIPC, or ALT M F), select the Joysticks tab, and so onthere are even pictures of the dialogues in the User manual! What are you missing here?

The instructions for calibration are in the joysticks section of the user guide, and are enumerated. Please skim through the manual and find the joysticks section, then read the little bit on calibration and follow the instructions, one line at a time. If there is a line you don't understand, please tell me what and why. This part of the documentation has stood the test of time now for three releases of FS -- FS2000, FS2002 and already over a year of FS2004. I don't mind trying to improve it, but I need to know WHY you don't understand it? And why you are even thinking about editing any INI files!

It looks like I may be out all day tomorrow and it is 01:25 hrs here now, so there may be a delay in any further replies.



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