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A320 Professional FSUIPC Problems

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I am using windows xp-home addition, And I am getting a Fsuipc.log error message when I create a flight in MSF 2002 professional. Like these other people the auto pilot does not work nor the auto throttle ether. I really enjoy the airbus planes but suddenly after a few months I cannot fly them.

The message states that one or more versions of FSUIPC is ruining and is not allowed to run from a unregisterd version of your program.

Please help. I have been to Justflight.com to look for patches but have not found any.

Thanks in Advance

John M. Urevich

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I am using windows xp-home addition, And I am getting a Fsuipc.log error message when I create a flight in MSF 2002 professional.

Well, is it a secret? Maybe the log message would be useful for me to tell what is happening? And do you only find the log message when looking in the log file? How do you know it is occurring when you create a flight? You cannot easily see the log when running FS.

Also, how are you creating a flight -- pressing ";" and giving the flight name, or using the Flights menu?

Like these other people the auto pilot does not work nor the auto throttle ether. I really enjoy the airbus planes but suddenly after a few months I cannot fly them.

"After a few months"? What have you changed? Software doesn't just sort of "wear out" like hardware.

The message states that one or more versions of FSUIPC is ruining and is not allowed to run from a unregisterd version of your program.

The log message says this? There is no such log message!

Can you please be a bit more specific. Stating with the version number of FSUIPC would be a good start, please. And, certainly, if you get a Message Window saying FSUIPC is already running then you have two installed. Maybe you renamed an old one but left it in the modules folder? Maybe you put one in the main FS folder as well? Please check these things. Having two copies of FSUIPC running is a big no-no, which is why the check was added.

To check the version of the running copy of FSUIPC, go into its Menu in FS (ALT M F) and read it on the options window which appears. To check the version number of any of my DLLs just right-click on them and select Properties-Version.

Please help. I have been to Justflight.com to look for patches but have not found any.

Patches for what?



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