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Position format in fsuipc (offsets 0x560 and 0x568)

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I want to write the position (latitude and longitude) of the plane to flight simulator. In the documentation, they say how to convert to degrees from fs but not how to convert from degrees to fs units. I'm coding with visual c++ 6.0.

Does somebody have a code example or an idea??

Thank you.


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they say how to convert to degrees from fs but not how to convert from degrees to fs units.

Can you not simply reverse it? For instance, if there are 3.28084 feet in a metre, there are 1/3.28084 metres in a foot. Right?

All you need to know is the relationship between the two units used and you can then convert either way. That is all the documentation is doing, specifying what the FS units look like. It was never intended to write the code for you, either way.

Have you tried coding anything yet? Have a go. If you'd like to show me what you've done I can maybe suggest corrections or improvements.



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