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Little question about wind...

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Hi Pete,

I want to control the wind the aircraft "feels". Should I write to offsets 3470, 3478, 3480, 3488, 3490 (X, Y, Z, velocity, direction), or offsets 2DC8, 2DD0, 2DD8, 2DE0, 2DE8 (X, Y, Z, direction, speed) ?

I'm not familiar with the term "ambient wind".

My purpose is that all pilots have the same wind conditions, regardless of what (external) weather (program) they use. So every second or so I want to write thru FSUIPC what wind the aircraft "feels".



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I want to control the wind the aircraft "feels". Should I write to offsets 3470, 3478, 3480, 3488, 3490 (X, Y, Z, velocity, direction), or offsets 2DC8, 2DD0, 2DD8, 2DE0, 2DE8 (X, Y, Z, direction, speed) ?

See these points in the recent release notice for 3.30:

13. For FS2004 only, the Ambient Wind Y (i.e. vertical) value at offset 3478 can now be written to and FSUIPC will sustain the value written for up to 14 seconds or the next written value. This facility may be useful to generate up and down drafts, e.g. for gliders or for turbulence. The value is not subject to any FSUIPC limitations or smoothing.

14. For FS2004 only, the following new offsets can be written to directly affect the wind and visibility at the aircraft. These values are set before FSUIPC performs any smoothing or limiting actions, and effectively become the new target values. FSUIPC sustains these as targets for a maximum of 14 seconds, with the next write to the same location restarting this timeout. After the timeout has been allowed to expire the intended FS value will take over, with smoothing and so on if enabled.

2DE0 8 Wind direction in degrees, 64-bit double floating point

2DE8 8 Wind speed in knots, 64-bit double floating point

2DF0 8 Visibility in metres, 64-bit double floating point

Those are the only accesses FSUIPC provides other than the regular weather interfaces. The relevant X and Z components are calculated for you by FSUIPC.

In order to implement even these it has to intercept certain procedure calls between SIM1 and WEATHER.DLL.

I'm not familiar with the term "ambient wind".

You know the term 'wind'. Ambient just means, in this context:

Lying round, surrounding, encircling, encompassing, environing. [OED2]



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