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wideview 2002

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Hi to everybody,

I have built my cockpit but now I have some problems to widen the external view in two or more monitors.

I have taken Wideview for Flight simulator 2002 from internet but I don't succeed in making to work him/it, I have the following error: "network error 10047-10038-10093 in routine assign socket (). Wideview has not been started. Please check the error and restart flight simulator, or try to adjust burdens parameter in the dialog."

Network? What does it mean?

I don't have a NETWORK.

I have only a computer and two monitors and I want to have to the right the separated view and left to improve the sight.

Aspect your answers.



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I have taken Wideview for Flight simulator 2002 from internet but I don't succeed in making to work him/it, I have the following error: "network error 10047-10038-10093 in routine assign socket (). Wideview has not been started. Please check the error and restart flight simulator, or try to adjust burdens parameter in the dialog."

Network? What does it mean?

I don't have a NETWORK.

I have only a computer and two monitors and I want to have to the right the separated view and left to improve the sight.

You are making two BIG erros.

1. WidevieW is a program by Luciano Napolitano. It is nothing to do with me, and is not supported on this Forum. You are completely in the wrong place!

2. WidevieW is for linking multiple networked PCs running FS.

To do what you want to do you simply create windows in FS and undock them. There is no additional program involved whatsoever.



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