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Airplane not staying centered

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Can anyone help with some advise on why my aircraft will not stay centered and always drift to either left or right while taxiing and rolling down the runway for takeoff?

I have CH ProPedals and I have calibrated them using FSUIPC and CH Manager. I am going out of my mind trying to correct this issue. Nothing seems to work.

It always seems to work perfectly for the first flight, but once I land then it all starts and will not stay centered on the taxiways.



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Can anyone help with some advise on why my aircraft will not stay centered and always drift to either left or right while taxiing and rolling down the runway for takeoff?

If you mean you do have to actually steer the aircraft to keep it straight on a taxiway on runway, then this is realistic. Like cars, you can't let them do their own thing unless you want any accident. All aircraft need some steering to stay in a straight line.

However, assuming you mean that this is execessive and needs a lot of correection:

If the brakes aren't slightly on, on one side (calibrate a larger dead or null zone for them), and the rudder is properly centred (make sure you have a good null centre zone there too), and you don't have any wind blowing you about (light GA aircraft are especially likely to weathervane, more so in FS than in the real world in fact), then the only other thing, apart from prop torque or prop wash over the rudder (but that will vary with throttle) would be rudder trim.

However, if your rudder trim is off-centre, it will be off-centre in one direction, and not vary from side to side.

Check also in FS's Options-Controls-Assignments that you don't have more than one control assigned for rudder axis (use the drop down to check all the joystick devices FS is listing).



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