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I think (is only a opinion ) the last registrered version of Fsuipc ( has problems ..cos a lot of my paywere program don't work properly !!

ATR Flight 1 not load , PMDG 737 NG panel problem , A320 phoenix panel problem ..... can i have help?


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I think (is only a opinion ) the last registrered version of Fsuipc ( has problems ..cos a lot of my paywere program don't work properly !!

ATR Flight 1 not load , PMDG 737 NG panel problem , A320 phoenix panel problem ..... can i have help?


Run any one of those which has a problem, close FS, ZIP up the FSUIPC.LOG and FSUIPC.KEY files you will find in the FS modules folder, and send them to me at petedowson@btconnect.com. It sounds very much like a user registration problem. I very much doubt that it is a problem in 3.411, but so far out of several reports no one has sent me the files I need to resolve this.



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We just need a personal key of the program .... we can't use a replied version of the key ...right?

What's a "replied" key please? Do you mean you are illegally using someone else's key? :cry: And you even expected support? Hmm. :x

To register FSUIPC (or WideFS) correctly and legally as a full user you need to purchase the key from one of the suppliers. The easiest way is to go to SimMarket. Check http://secure.simmarket.com/product_info.php?products_id=538.



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You are right to be affected with me ...... :oops: sorry !!

Is only my friend' s key .... :(

If you think to forgive meare you sure that a personal key will resolv my problem ?

I'm onest .... i think 20 euros are too much .... even if i admit your great and impegnative work for this tool !!

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are you sure that a personal key will resolv my problem ?

It is easy to prove. Delete the FSUIPC.KEY file. Now see if those programs run okay. None of them need a user-registered FSUIPC in any case, they are all accredited aircraft. You only need to pay for FSUIPC is you want to use the additional facilities.

I'm onest .... i think 20 euros are too much

But you paid for ATR Flight 1, PMDG 737 NG, PSS A320 Phoenix? Or are all those stolen too? You think FSUIPC is an easy program to write and maintain, despite it being a full time job for five years? You think I should give it up and do something else for a living? :cry:


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It is all ok without the key .....

I know fsuipc is very complex and not easy to write and maintain .... you must continue your great job .....

I have all other programs original and payed !!

The passion for Flight simulator is very expansive :cry:

What i do or say ??

The only additional facilitiy i need to increase my Frame per second was the visibilty managment (when fsuipc was free )

I hope someone else does a free application to manage the visibility as fsuipc does very well !!! :cry:

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