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Prop axis

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Hi, I have a registered version of FSUIPC. I use an older CH gameport yoke and pedals, and a seperate usb joystick for throttle. The throttle works fine on the yoke, and I want to asign that axis to be a prop lever, however I cannot figure out how to do this even after reading the help file. I am relatively familiar with FSUIPC, having been using it since FS2002. Thanks.

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The throttle works fine on the yoke, and I want to asign that axis to be a prop lever, however I cannot figure out how to do this even after reading the help file. I am relatively familiar with FSUIPC, having been using it since FS2002.

FSUIPC doesn't do assignments. Use FS -- Options-Controls-Assignments.



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Sorry, I should have mentioned. I assigned the axis to the propeller control in FS, and it assigned correctly. However, when I move it, nothing happens to the prop.

Are you trying it on an aircraft with variable pitch prop? Check the FS panel throttle quadrant -- the prop control is the blue handle. Is that moving when you use the prop axis?

If not, then it is most likely that FS has set the sensitivity to the minimum. It seems FS2004 is prone to that -- check Options Controls Sensitivities.



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