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New user basic question.

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Hello everyone,

As a new FSUIPC user, I ask very basic questions. Sorry

I downloaded the FSUIPC_SDK.zip and found an example in UIPC_SDK_C.zip showing FS and FSUIPC version as well as FS time.

Everything is running fine (using Visual C++ 6.0 and FS2002) but the example interrogate offset 0238 for time and the response in the dialog box is alway zero.

" Request for time ok: FS clock = 00h:00m:00s "

I tried other offset but always with the same result.

Can someone help me ?

How can I for example read and write the bank and pitch angle of the aircraft ?

Than you everybody.

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Everything is running fine (using Visual C++ 6.0 and FS2002) but the example interrogate offset 0238 for time and the response in the dialog box is alway zero.

" Request for time ok: FS clock = 00h:00m:00s "

I tried other offset but always with the same result.

What does the FSUIPC LOG (in the FS modules folder) show? Are you using a user-registered copy of FSUIPC? Possibly you are not getting a proper connection because the example program is not getting access.

Please try using FSInterrogate and examining its results.

How can I for example read and write the bank and pitch angle of the aircraft ?

Look up the offset and size and units of those in the Programmer's Guide, and read them following the methods shown and documented.

But don't expect to be able to read much at all with an unregistered copy of FSUIPC. Until an unregistered FSUIPC sees a correct Access key it will only supply its version number and the FS version number.



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