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Aerosoft Australia MCP, EFIS & EICAS with Project Magent


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Greetings Peter.

I am running fsuipc and fswide across 4 computers atm, controlling a homebuild, with full Boeing Project Magenta.

I have recently got my Aerosoft Australia MCP fixed and now have it up and running again. I'm getting the Aerosoft Oz EFIS and EICAS as well.

Other than fsuipc do I need any other software from your range Peter, to get it all up and running with Project Magenta?

Ta in advance.


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I have recently got my Aerosoft Australia MCP fixed and now have it up and running again. I'm getting the Aerosoft Oz EFIS and EICAS as well.

Other than fsuipc do I need any other software from your range Peter, to get it all up and running with Project Magenta?

I think all the Aerosoft stuff is supported directly in PM. The only software normally needed of my range is FSUIPC and, of course, WideFS for a network. Most PM users run it on a network, it is really designed to be used that way.



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