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traffic.DLL help plz!!

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Hello people!, Hello mr Peter, I really need the help of someone who knows, cuz I have posted this message to several forums, and I cant find an answer yet.... I hope I find it here :-)

i have been using flight simulator2002 on my machine (PIII 512ram, 1.2Ghz, XP).

Recently I updated the system downloading the Service pack 1a from microsoft because it was necessary to do it for installing a new printer.

SP1a didnt create any problems with a first look..But....

Once I installed it, I noticed that once I open the fs2002, it pops up a message saying:


"Microsoft Flight Sim. has detected 3rd Party software that may not be compatible with this version of FS.

File: traffic.DLL

Do you want to add this software?

Clicking NO, it will disable this software



WHichever I chose (yes or no) the program doesnt start and ends right away.

what should I do? I have already uninstalled and reinstalled fs2002, and still the same problem.

Please, anyone has any idea what can I do? How can I disable this traffic.dll or to make my fs2002 open?????


I have already tried to create an (Oldmodules) section in the fs2002.cfg file and set parameters for traffic.dll 1 or 0, but this didnt work.. The program was closing right away...so I am at this point now....**

I am in despair...

Thank you

happy holidays

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I noticed that once I open the fs2002, it pops up a message saying:


"Microsoft Flight Sim. has detected 3rd Party software that may not be compatible with this version of FS.

File: traffic.DLL


Sounds like somehow you have a corrupt TRAFFIC.DLL in the FS Modules folder. However, completely un-installing and re-installing FS2002 should have replaced it with a good copy from your original FS2002 CDs. If the CD was bad you should have got an error, so it is a bit of a puzzle.

All I can suggest it to try replacing the TRAFFIC.DLL in your Modules folder with someone else's. To this end I am emailing you the one from my own FS2002 installation.



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hello again Pete, and thanx for replaying promptly to my question. I did what you said....deleted my traffic.dll and replaced it with yours in the module folder. What I noticed is that when I click on the icon to start the fs2002, that message about the 3rd Party software is popping up again, like it did when I first opened the fs2002 after I had reinstalled it. So, it is a cycle thing going on...

Dont u think there is something wrong with the Service pack 1a that I have installed?

I think that it has to do with that, cuz I never had problem with my fs2002 before.

if you have an other bright idea about my problem, or I can help you if you got a question ...

Thank you in advance...

I cant do anything else over here...Maybe Microsoft has to gimme a solution...

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Dont u think there is something wrong with the Service pack 1a that I have installed?

I think that it has to do with that, cuz I never had problem with my fs2002 before.

Hmm. When you said "recently I updated the system downloading the Service pack 1a from microsoft because it was necessary to do it for installing a new printer." originally, I thought this was some update for your Windows operating system. Surely it isn't an update for FS2002? Why would you need an update for FS2002 for a new printer?

If it was an FS update (was there one for FS2002? I don't recall), then presumably the TRAFFIC.DLL I am using, and sent to you, is the wrong one for your update. Buton the other hand, you did say you uninstalled FS2002 and reinstalled it? The original, from the CDs?

When you uninstalled it, did you also make sure you deleted the FS2002 folder and everything in it, completely? If not, possibly something was left behind.

I really cannot think of any reason why a windows update would cause FS2002 to dislike one of its own modules. Please check the version number of the FS2002.EXE -- find it in the FS folder, right-click on it, select Properties then Version. Mine says The same should apply to the TRAFFIC.DLL (it does to the one I sent), but check it in any case.

Incidentally, I have an FS2002 installation on two PCs, one running Windows XP Pro SP1, and the other Windows XP Home SP2, and it is fine on both.

If things check out, all I can suggest is a really thorough uninstall, making sure every bit is deleted, followed perhaps by an install to a different folder altogether.



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Well, Hi again pete, and thank you for taking a time to see my problem.

First of all....

How things started..

My machine (laptop, sony vaio pcg-gr390) was running originally on winxxp (home), and I had installed fs2002 long ago, and everything was running super! 1 month ago, I bought a hp printer, but it required I had SP1 in order for the printer to work. So, I did my search and I found and downloaded sp1 (around 130mb), installled it in my machine, the printer worked, and everything was working fine with the sp1 installed. It was NOT an update for fs2002, but for the operating system (XP).

However, when one day I tried to run fs2002 (that was already installed in my machine), that pop up message appeared (the one i described in my first message) asking me to add or not the new software etc.. Whatever I did, the fs2002 was shutting down on me right away...

By the way, the two files fs2002.exe and traffic.dll have the same version (the same with yrs).

When I uninstalled the fs2002 after I had installed sp1a (thinking I could resolve the problem), I of course deleted every folder of fs2002. and fs2002 folder too. complete uninstal.

So, no corrupt file involved, no version conflict, no installation procedure error..........................What else can it be..?

I am guessing it has to do with some kind of conflict with the sp1 that I installed.

Thank you for your support so far peter, any new ideas always acceptable...

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I am guessing it has to do with some kind of conflict with the sp1 that I installed.

Hmm, it seems unlikely, but possibly that Windows update didn't install correctly and has messed something up that FS2002 relies on. Even then, it is very very odd, because the chack it applies to the TRAFFIC.DLL which, if it fails generates that message, is the exact same check it applies to all of the modules in the Modules folder. It is simply a comparison of a value in the Linkage structure exported by the DLL, which needs to be 0x00000800 for FS2002 (and 0x00000900 for FS2004).

All I can suggest is either going further -- install the SP2 update -- or rolling back to your XP state before you applied the 1a update (which, incidentally, I'd not heard of -- I went from 0 to SP1 and have SP2 ready to install but so far have only done this on one PC).



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ok, i am not really intending to install sp2, or uninstal sp1 i got now....so i will live with that. I have bought fs2004 as well, but my system is not that fast to play it smouthly and with detailed scenery.

by the way, yes when i downloaded the SP it was named sp1a, but now that i see my system properties, it says windows xp, vversion 2002, service pack 1.

Anyways....the mystery still exists with the traffic file...

Thanks for your attempt to give a solution!!


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