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Maybe a very stuppid question but is it possible to send just a letter in a certain way?

so if i have a offset and i want to let that offset send the letter A for exampleor do i say now someting very wierd?

Send a letter to what, where and why? Sorry, I don't really understand the question.


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Hi Pete,

It is for the software of HCSTD they use offsets in a range of 4810 and 4811 to controle there ecam select panel. I try to get it working inside the FSbus software but it doesnt work very well. some screens seems to switch but the next moment they dont work anymore and iam not sure what the reason is for that. I can see it get something because the screen shakes a bit but it doesnt want switch in all situations. now they have a other thing like i show below where they normaly can switch the screen with the keynboard letters like A = APU W = wheel ect ect. so i thought maybe it is possible to send a offset with a letter? hope it makes it a bit more clear now.

4810 ECAM Key ALL Bit 0 Byte Write Only Done

ECAM Key APU Bit 1 Write Only Done

ECAM Key BLEED Bit 2 Write Only Done

ECAM Key COND Bit 3 Write Only Done

ECAM Key DOOR Bit 4 Write Only Done

ECAM Key ELEC Bit 5 Write Only Done

ECAM Key ENG Bit 6 Write Only Done

ECAM Key F/CTL Bit 7 Write Only Done


It works ok when i push a letter on the keyboard but that is not what i want in my cockpit a keyboard.....


Frans M

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It is for the software of HCSTD they use offsets in a range of 4810 and 4811 to controle there ecam select panel


they normaly can switch the screen with the keynboard letters like A = APU W = wheel ect ect. so i thought maybe it is possible to send a offset with a letter? hope it makes it a bit more clear now.


It works ok when i push a letter on the keyboard but that is not what i want in my cockpit a keyboard.....

But WHERE is this software running? Which keyboard are you pressing these letters on? Normally, on the FS PC, pressing letters will do something in FS -- for example, A selects the ADF digits and W switches screen cockpit display modes.


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I am sorry .... it is running on a seperate computer that is connected with widefs so it is there own software and it communicate with FS9 and also with project magenta.

So it is a seperate keyboard. but my idea was that if i can use that offset in a certain way and not let it do BIT 1 =but tell 4810 .... send a A for APU or so? But i think i ask something impossible i guess.

I just dont know how to see why it doesnt work ok.

Why i would need to use I8 or I16 or I32 and with that FSbus they also cant give me any answer as well that makes it a bit more difficult. I also dont know who give those offset ranges to the HCSTD people maybe if i knew that i also would know if those offsets i use could be incorrect or maybe need to be something else...



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I am sorry .... it is running on a seperate computer that is connected with widefs

In that case simply program your button to send a KeySend parameter (1-255) -- see the drop down control lists in FSUIPC's Buttons page -- then edit the appropriate WideClient.INI file to specify which KeySend sends what keycodes.

If you load the program using WideClient's "Run" or "RunReady" parameters, you can specifically direct the keycode directly to the correct program too.

Please see the latest (6.44) WideFS documentation. I even list the Keycodes themselves there now!



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Pete i think that that is just where the problem start i have to send it first to F|Sbus and from there it have to send it to the other comp where in this case the ECAM select software is running and they need to know that that when i Press a button on my panel for example.... APU that keystring goes to the FSbus software and from there FSbus will send it i assum with help of FSUIPC and Widefs again to the other comp and let the display jump from one screen to a other....

All the wires of the buttons/switches are connected to a PCB that is controled by Fsbus but because you dont know what FSbus is is it hard for me to show you how they figured that out... Pitty lot of ppl use Fsbus as well and it seems that a lot have that same problem now that they ket stuck on the fsbus site and because there are not many ppl that can tell how this program really works.... most of it is done already so it is just click and go but when it comes to new software or other options ( like the one i had before with the ATC panel and the 2 digs at the same time ) noone knows how to get those offsets to do something....

Maybe when you have some time left you could have a look to that program it is free to download and to use without any PCB you already can see how the inside is and how they programmed the ini files with the different offsets..... http://www.fsbus.de

Maybe you can help a lot of ppl on there way... i try as well but for me is it also now to a point it goes for now beyond my limmets as well :(


Frans M

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Pete i think that that is just where the problem start i have to send it first to F|Sbus and from there it have to send it to the other comp where in this case the ECAM select software is running and they need to know that that when i Press a button on my panel for example.... APU that keystring goes to the FSbus software and from there FSbus will send it i assum with help of FSUIPC and Widefs again to the other comp and let the display jump from one screen to a other....

Sorry, you've lost me completely.

Are you saying you cannot make your buttons produce button presses which are recognisable in FSUIPC?

If you can only write to FSUIPC offsets, you can still do it. You can send any controls to FSUIPC by offsets at 3110. For a KeySend you'd send the FSUIPC KeySend control ID number to 3110 after setting the KeySend parameter number to 3114. The control numbers are listed in the FSUIPC Advanced User's document.

Otherwise, I'm afraid you will need to go to FSBus support, or their Forum if there is one.



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