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Offsets for speed brakes lever in Boing 737

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I plan to build a servo controlled speed brakes lever for my cockpit. Can anybody tell me if there are offsets for the 4 positions of that lever in a B737 (DN / ARM / FLT DTN / UP)?

There aren't fixed positons in FS for the speed brake (called the spoiler in FS). They are mostly just different values for the spoiler setting, at offset 0BD0. "DN" is 0, "ARM" is 4800, but with 0BCC set NZ too, the Flight Detente for a 737, which is about 60-70% (sorry I don't know the exact proportion) would be 60-70% of 16383, and UP is 16383.


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thanks for the lightning quick answer. Can I write to 0BD0?


There aren't fixed positons in FS for the speed brake (called the spoiler in FS). They are mostly just different values for the spoiler setting, at offset 0BD0. "DN" is 0, "ARM" is 4800, but with 0BCC set NZ too, the Flight Detente for a 737, which is about 60-70% (sorry I don't know the exact proportion) would be 60-70% of 16383, and UP is 16383.


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