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Traffic Look not functioning since update

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I recently updated FS 2004 to 9.1 and I am using FSUIPC 3.44. I've noticed that when I run Traffic Look I get no data. It shows a "user" but no stats-- location, speed ....

It was working fine before I installed the upgrade.

Has anyone else experienced this problem?

No, I've had no other reports at all of any such problem, and I use TrafficLook regularly. It uses the same data from FSUIPC as the various TCAS and other AI mapping programs around, so if it didn't get the data then they wouldn't work either.

Are you sure you have actually got AI traffic? Check the FS menu entries, make sure it is enabled. And make sure you've not lost the Traffic BGL. The default is "traffic030528.bgl" and lives in Scenery\World\Scenery. If you have add-on AI like MyTraffic, Ultimate Traffic or ProjectAI then this may be renamed or removed in favour of theirs, which could be there instead, but more often in the Addon Scenery folder.

Finally, there are some AI scanning controls in the FSUIPC.INI. Try deleting that (or moving it out of the Modules folder, if it has any valuable settings of yours like Button, Key programming or joystick calibration), so that FSUIPC runs with default values. If that fixes it you have some odd parameter settings in the INI.



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Wow, thanks for the quick reply.

First, I tried removing the FSUIPC INI file and that didn't help ( a new one was created when I ran the program)

My traffic file has been renamed and I am using Project AI traffic. All of the traffic seems to be functioning properly. The flights are coming and going.

I downloaded MS SDK Traffic Toolbox (after Traffic Look stopped working) and that seems to be functioning properly. It correctly reports all the traffic in the map view and the spreadsheet view.

I was thinking of running Traffic Look with WideFS on another PC and thats why I would like to get it running again. I don't believe you can run the MS module that way.

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I was thinking of running Traffic Look with WideFS on another PC and thats why I would like to get it running again. I don't believe you can run the MS module that way.

TrafficLook runs fine either directly on the FS PC or via WideFS. I cannot imagine why yours won't work. Have you checked the FSUIPC log? Is this the current version of TrafficLook (1.54 I think) -- check by right-clicking it and selecting Properties-Version.

There is certainly no difference in it or the FSUIPC AI facilities between FS9.0 and FS9.1, so if all you've done is upgraded FS from 9.0 to 9.1 then I'm afraid I've really no idea what is going on. Or did you also upgrade FSUIPC at the same time? If so, what was the previous version you were using?

As a last resort you could try enabling FSUIPC IPC read logging (see the Logging page), then running it. The log will tell me what it is reading there. Please close FS afterwards, so the log is closed.

ZIP up the FSUIPC log file and your FSUIPC.KEY file (both from the FS Modules folder) and send to petedowson@btconnect.com. I need the KEY file to check as well, because the only possibility I can think of at present is that there's something wrong with your user key for FSUIPC or WideFS, assuming you are user-registered.



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I did upgrade the FSUIPC to version 3.44 from (I wll have to check when I get home) version 3.2??? when I upgraded FS to 9.1

After installing 9.1 I was having problems with the airspeed indicator in the Learjet, it would stop functioning immediately after takeoff (both the digital and analog displays). When I updated the FSUIPC version it stopped. I don't know if that was a coincendence or not.

I will check the logs when I get home tonight.

Am I correct in assuming that the Microsoft module Traffic Toolbox cannot be run on another PC with WideFS?

Thanks very much for your help. I am running a registered version and I think its a great module.

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After installing 9.1 I was having problems with the airspeed indicator in the Learjet, it would stop functioning immediately after takeoff (both the digital and analog displays). When I updated the FSUIPC version it stopped. I don't know if that was a coincendence or not.

Any FSUIPC before 3.40 wouldn't have functioned in FS9.1 in any case. It wouldn't even let FS load until you took it out or updated.

Am I correct in assuming that the Microsoft module Traffic Toolbox cannot be run on another PC with WideFS?

Yes, of course. It's a Microsoft module, same as their WEATHER.DLL or PANELS.DLL or any part of FS. It is simply an optional part of FS.

Only things that interface externally to FS via FSUIPC can be run on WideFS. WideFS is simply an extension of the FSUIPC interface to networked PCs. Microsoft do not write anything which uses FSUIPC.



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  • 2 months later...

Hi Pete

I’ve been experiencing a similar problem. I’ve analyzed that it may have something to do with the key file. When I remove the key file TrafficLook works fine. However with the key file present I only see ‘user’ in the list.

I’ve also noted that with the key file removed there is an extra entry in the log file that refers to reading the traffic030528.bgl file.

Many thanks


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  • 2 weeks later...

I’ve been experiencing a similar problem. I’ve analyzed that it may have something to do with the key file. When I remove the key file TrafficLook works fine. However with the key file present I only see ‘user’ in the list.

That is the exact symptom I would expect if there were an illegal user key for FSUIPC or WideFS in the KEY file. Some folks have been using an illegal key generator program to make keys and avoid paying.

If you'd like to zip up your KEY file and send it to me at petedowson@btconnect.com I will check it out. Give me your details too and I'll see if you've been deceived somehow.



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