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Wideclient connection lost

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When Flying the 737NG with PM somethimes the PFD/NB for pilot and copilot are not shown. In de PFD and NB the following text is shown: position lost. The EFIS is not working. I noticed at this thim that one of te wideclient connections is lost. The connection of my PC3 whitch provides the display of the PFD/NB. When I close these windows and restart by double clicking the icon of the Wideclient, the PM starts up again with the display of the PFD/NB. The information of the CDU are generated correctly again, and I can finisch my flight. Sometimes it happens two times in a flight. Do you know what couses this problem.

Regard Stefan Guezen

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Do you know what couses this problem.

Not without more information, no. Please tell me the version numbers of FSUIPC, WideServer and WideClient. If these are not the current ones (3.45, 6.45 and 6.45 respectively) please try those first.

Then check the WideServer.Log file (in the FS Modules folder) and the WideClient.Log file (in the same folder as WideClient. If they are short enough, show them here, otherwise Zip them up and send them to me at petedowson@btconnect.com. Be sure to close everything down first. I need to see the performance figures too and these are only provided on close down.

If you've been changing any of the performance parameters in WideFS INI files, please remove those and let them default again.



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