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Pauses in FSUIPC

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Hi Peter...

Is it possible to add delays when using FSUIPC's BUTTON commands? I'm trying to repeat the engine 1 starter function for a certain number of seconds, until the engine starts, and then stop repeating.

It's my workaround for starting one engine at a time.

So far, I've not found a way of doing this, but I'm sure there must be a simple solution :).

It would be perfect if FS had the option of "auto start 1" and "auto start 2", but again, it seems limited to "auto start all engines".

Any thoughts or suggestions for incorporating a delay function would be appreciated.

Thanks for all the new functionality in FSUIPC, by the way!



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Hi Peter...

Is it possible to add delays when using FSUIPC's BUTTON commands? I'm trying to repeat the engine 1 starter function for a certain number of seconds, until the engine starts, and then stop repeating.

This is normally easily done by holding the switch and having it repeating. What would the delay be for? You operate the starter level (fuel cut off) to "start" (i.e. enable the fuel) when you see the N2% rise enough -- e.g. 20% in the 737, and then release the starter.

In the real airliner the switch is magnetically held in the start position until the engine starts. I'm not sure if there's a timeout on that.

Perhaps if you could be a little more specific about what you want to actually achieve?



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Hi Peter,

Yes, in a Boeing that's true. But Airbus has no starter switch to turn on and off. It simply has an automatic start... so you flip the engine master switch on, and the engine starts (with any luck!).

That's the piece I'm trying to replicate.

So what I need to have happen is that when the master switch flips ON, it holds down the starter for the appropriate engine (say engine 1), for 20 seconds or so; the normal amount of time it takes for the engine to start. After that, it should stop repeating the starter command.

Thus the need for the delay.

Any thoughts?



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Yes, in a Boeing that's true. But Airbus has no starter switch to turn on and off. It simply has an automatic start... so you flip the engine master switch on, and the engine starts (with any luck!).

So you combine turning the fuel on with operating the starter? That needs a little editing in FSUIPC's INI file to place two controls on one button.

So what I need to have happen is that when the master switch flips ON, it holds down the starter for the appropriate engine (say engine 1), for 20 seconds or so; the normal amount of time it takes for the engine to start. After that, it should stop repeating the starter command.

What would happen (in FS I mean, not in the real thing), if the switch was left in the start position indefinitely -- i.e. akin to the "continuous ignition" mode in Boeings?

Any thoughts?

Well, at present I've not really any idea how to actually specify such a complex sequence in the current structures FSUIPC uses. If a button is ON, it is ON. Are you using a toggle, or are you saying you want a momentary button push to look like it stays on even after it goes off, for a period of so many seconds?

The latter sounds feasible, even if messy to present in a user-friendly manner.



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Going back a bit, you said this:

It would be perfect if FS had the option of "auto start 1" and "auto start 2", but again, it seems limited to "auto start all engines".

Wouldn't it be easier for everyone (me included, I think) if I added such new controls to FSUIPC's repetoire, instead of messing about with delay specifications and things?

If you just want separate engine autostart facilities, remind me please exactly what the "all engines" one does in FS (I don't think I've ever used it!), and I'll see about doing the same for separate engines.



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Actually, you're right. The autostart function would be ideal -- at least for Airbus folks it seems :)

The Autostart_All function (not sure if I've got the name exactly right, as I don't have my list in front of me) starts engine 1 and then engine 2. It's all done within FS to the best of my knowledge. (CTRL-E I think is the keystroke FS command)

But it does replicate basically what Airbus's master switch does -- it turns the starter and then adds the fuel at the right time. I think in FS, turning on the fuel first will also work, and that way all you need to do is run the starter until the engine starts on its own.

There's a way of turning starters individually in the function list, but I've not seen one for auto-starting just one engine at a time.

Thanks for considering adding it as a function to FSUIPC.



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Ted, I played around with PMSystems, a bit (Airbus, and it's been a few months) but I was able to to "IGN/START", and then Start 1 & 2 independently, and of course shut down independently. Or are you talking about something else. BTW, yes I do have a A340, but at the time PMSystems only had two engines.

Matt O.

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Hi Matt,

I hadn't tried pmSystems yet. Was trying to get just the basics going with FS in terms of the operation of the engines etc. It's good to know that pmSystems does the trick, though, as that's my next step.

Still wish it was easier to do in FS -- at least in terms of the Airbus style one-switch startup.


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Still wish it was easier to do in FS -- at least in terms of the Airbus style one-switch startup.

Hi Ted,

Please try this interim test version of FSUIPC (3.455). In the controls drop downs (Buttons or Keys) there are, for FS2004 only, new controls:

Engine 1 autostart

Engine 2 autostart

Engine 3 autostart

Engine 4 autostart

This was a little more complex than I originally thought, as the treatment has to be different for Jets, Props, and Turboprops. Also, as well as simply operating the starter and the fuel levers, to emulate the FS built-in all-engine autostart I had to deal with Battery, Alternator/Generator, Fuel Pump, Fuel Tank selector, and Avionics switch.

I think I've covered everything, but so far I've only tested it for engines 1 and 2.




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