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Ive an epic card (USB) that operates a yoke, rudder pedals, throttle and alieron trim. These devices work in the epic info test in the epic centre (you can see the sliders move up and down as you deflect them). However when i run fs 2002pro only the aileron trim works. I checked FSUIPC and the rudder yoke and throttle dont seem to register has anyone any ideas? I updated epicinfo to 4.22 and fsuipc 3.45 but to no affect. I still have the orginals backed up.



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Ive an epic card (USB) that operates a yoke, rudder pedals, throttle and alieron trim. These devices work in the epic info test in the epic centre (you can see the sliders move up and down as you deflect them). However when i run fs 2002pro only the aileron trim works. I checked FSUIPC and the rudder yoke and throttle dont seem to register has anyone any ideas? I updated epicinfo to 4.22 and fsuipc 3.45 but to no affect.

Neither EPICINFO nor FSUIPC normally have anything to do with EPIC (or any other) axis inputs. Axis inputs go direct from EPIC through Windows to FS.

You need to check first whether Windows recognises them as correct axes (in Game Controllers), then make sure they are correctly assigned in FS (Options-Controls-Assignments). Make sure that the sensitivities in FS are at maximum and the null zones at minimum or close. Don't try calibrating in FSUIPC until they work in FS.

Incidentally, having an aileron trim axis is an odd selection if you are only connecting five axes. Shouldn't that be elevator trim, which you do need all the time? You'd only need to change the aileron trim in cases of aircraft damage or asymmetric thrust.



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I checked the game controllers on windows and it doesn’t seem to be particularly functional. There were 2 USB devices found one was just buttons the other had joystick and throttle movement capability When id deflect a control surface nothing would move. I’ve included a screenshot of what I saw nothing changed except button 8 when I raised the undercarriage. Would you have any ideas?

I agree about the aileron trim an elevator trim would be more appropriate, an electronic engineering student worked on it last year hence the aileron trim!




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I checked the game controllers on windows and it doesn’t seem to be particularly functional.

Right, but you do need to get it all working properly before FS can use it then. My software certainly doesn't come into it till it is working in FS.

I'm afraid I'm really not the person you ask about EPIC any more, especially the USB version. I think it's all to do with the way you define and declare things in your EPL but I never actually figured it out and haven't touched it for years.

You'll need to seek help from the EPIC folks. Sorry.



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