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Project Magenta RJ glass cockpit slowing down ...

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Hello mr. Dowson ! You might remember the funny guy who asked you to record with your voice some in-flight briefingswell, it's me !

This time - unluckily - I have a true problem with a true question.

I have two PCs in a LAN (a 1.2 Ghz and a 800 Mhz) that act as clients to a server (3.0 Ghz) running FS2002.

On both clients the latest release of Project Magenta RJ glass cockpit is running.

Few weeks ago I upgraded both FSUIPC and WideFS (still haven't upgraded to the last friday's versions yet).

Then I also upgraded to PM-RJ rel. 53.

Since I did not use the PC in the meanwhile, I cannot tell exactly when the beahviour began, butthe fact is that the 1.2 Ghz, a client named Remus, is responding very slowly now to the input coming from the server: I must wait some 4-5 secs before I can see the feedback on the client.

The other client, named Nico, though it's a slower one, always processes WideFs data with good timing.

I asked PM staff, but they told me to make things clear with you first, since I might be missing some network setting or whatever ...

And since they told me to enclose both server and client(s) logs, here they are ...

Thank you very much and sorry for bothering ...



p.s. Looking at the logs, I noticed that the server seems to have some trouble to send data to Remus, in that it has to make several attempts every time it sends. There are other two clients (Gaia & Nico) served by Iuie, but none of these gives the server such trouble.

I never changed the network settings on the clients so far, so I can't really say what's the cause for it slowing down so muchhelp !!!

And please excuse my english.


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I must wait some 4-5 secs before I can see the feedback on the client.


I asked PM staff, but they told me to make things clear with you first, since I might be missing some network setting or whatever ...


And since they told me to enclose both server and client(s) logs, here they are ...

Unfortunately the amount of changes between the versions you are using and the latest ones does rather make it a waste of time trying to work out what is going on in your system.

Looking at the WideServer log there are obviously problems with "Remus" which is blocking many attempts by the server to send things. Unfortunately the client logs you included do not correspond time-wise with the problems shown on the server, and so are totally unhelpful. It looks like to reloaded the clients and didn't bother to preserve the Logs showing the problems, only logs showing everything very good.

Please use the latest versions before asking for any diagnosis. This always applies. It would be a waste of both our times trying anything on programs that have changed so much.



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Yep, that's what I did last night, now I will test the latest versions of FSUIPC and WideFS.

I will provide more logs.

Interesting enough, I have flown a few minutes with the other PM glass cockpit modules I have, the Airbus and the Boeing, but it looks like only the RJ suffers from this ...

I will be more specific when I come back.

Thanks for the moment !!!


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