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Can anyone help please with a problem? I have so far managed very well with the FSUIPC pre-3.x edition. Recently however, I have been unable to use FSUIPC 2.9x in order to set the throttle values, a facility normally available on the "Joysticks" page of FSUIPC, subsection 3.

Hitherto I have opened section 3 of the "Joysticks" page, checked the "Map to four throttles" box and then been able to set values in throttle 1 by altering the yoke throttle position for minimum, maximum and idle and using the buttons provided to set those values.

Now evey time I click the "set" buttons the values below all turn to zero. I can, of course, re-set to the original FSUIPC default values but these allow me no idle facility.

I am using FS2002.

From Pete Dowson's extensive notes on FSUIPC, it seems that there may in these cases be some error in the FS2002 cfg. file but so far I have searched in vain to find what the error may be.

Any help on this would be much appreciated.

Thank you

Peter Preston

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Now evey time I click the "set" buttons the values below all turn to zero. I can, of course, re-set to the original FSUIPC default values but these allow me no idle facility.

I assume the throttle is already calibrated and can be seen working in the single throttle page? If the input from the throttle through FS isn't working you cannot calibrate in FSUIPC in any case. In particular check that the sensitivity in FS is not zero.

Since there have been no changes in 2.9x, and never will be, this can only be a case of corruption -- either the program (restore from backup) or more likely the INI file.

For the latter either delete the INI file and let FSUIPC make another, or edit it and delete the joystick entries for throttle, or possibly all of the calibrations.

If you keep a safe copy of the INI and simply delete it and check again it will prove where the error lies.



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Pete Dowson,

Thank you very much for your prompt and very valuable help in the matter of setting throttle values on FSUIPC 2.97. The problem had been that for some reason the single throttle section had not been activated on page 1 of the FSUIPC “Joysticks” section. As soon as I activated that, page 3 throttle-mapping was back to normal.

Your timely help is much appreciated.

Peter Preston

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The problem had been that for some reason the single throttle section had not been activated on page 1 of the FSUIPC “Joysticks” section. As soon as I activated that, page 3 throttle-mapping was back to normal.

Ah! That simple, eh? Yes, if it doesn't intercept the main throttle it cannot map them to the other four. In fact, I thought I hid the "Map to 4 throttles" option when the throttle isn't enabled there, but maybe that change was later than 2.97.



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