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Hi, I am trying to make Marciano's radar (fullf16pnl.zip) to work, in FS2004. I have win98, fs2004, and fsuipc 3.48 unregistered. The free application key:

F16.gau by Eric Marciano


doesn't seem to work. in the name's window I typed both "f16" and "f16.gau", but without success.

The same panel in FS2002 with fsuipc 2.975 works flawlessly.

Can you help me ? Thanks in advance

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in the name's window I typed both "f16" and "f16.gau", but without success.

This is the window with only Name and Key, right? The correct entry for gauges is the complete name including the .gau part -- you only omit .exe.

There are some others who have had problems with this gauge. I think it is written in a most unusual way. I cannot make it fail here on any of several machines, and most find it works. One person who had a problem found it was something else interfering, but I'm sorry I don't recall the details. The threads about this are all here -- search for F16 and see what you come up with.

There are some other Freeware TCAS gauges which work flawlessly -- the Lee Hetherington ones, for example. (ILH_TCAS I think).

The same panel in FS2002 with fsuipc 2.975 works flawlessly.

It will with a registered FSUIPC 3. The problem is in the initial access method being used by this specific gauge which seems to cause problems in certain circumstance which have never been nailed down I'm afraid.



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