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Is it possible to reset FS through an offset?

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Well, the topic is my general question:

"Is it possible to reset FS through an offset?"

I have built a Cessna cockpit that goes on public display for a university. I used to have it set up with a joystick button that could reset FS. When the airplane ran out of fuel after app. 7 minutes (so people don't fly forever while others are waiting)

But now I have equipped the cockpit with IOcards hardware, and would like to set it up so that FS resets automatically after 7 minutes... so I need an offset!

Thanks in advance.

Peter Skotte

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I have built a Cessna cockpit that goes on public display for a university. I used to have it set up with a joystick button that could reset FS.

I don't know what you mean by "reset FS", but all of the controls you can allocate in FS you can also allocate in FSUIPC, and many more. If you know what control you used to "reset FS" (whatever that means) it will appear in FSUIPC drop-down lists too.

But now I have equipped the cockpit with IOcards hardware, and would like to set it up so that FS resets automatically after 7 minutes... so I need an offset!

Why an offset? If you are programming things you can send controls via an offset too. Check offset 3110.



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Hi Pete

I don't know what you mean by "reset FS"

I will try and explain it better. :D

FS has a menu point: Reset

I use it to get FS back to the state it started as. When for example a couple of boys have been flying for a while the aircraft almost certainly is out of bounds. So for the next in line to try it out, the simulator should be reset back to the original starting point with engines of etc.

Why an offset?

Since I have switched to IOCards, I wanted to get rid of ripped joysticks using their buttons.

And, (atleast not yet) I don't have the USBkeycard that can send keys to a specific application, so I guessed that it might be possible with an offset. It must be a simple task.

I hadn't noticed the 3110 offset. Im very new to programming like this, so could you please show an example using the 3110 offset sending for example: ctrl+E to FS?

Thanks in advance.

Peter Skotte

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FS has a menu point: Reset

It has? That's news to me. Ah, there's a "Rest Flight" in the Flight's menu. Is that what you mean? It's the same as the control usually invoked by Ctrl+;

the simulator should be reset back to the original starting point with engines of etc.

Ah, yes, you DO mean "reset flight", also known as "reload flight", as basically is does just that, reloads the last flight. In fact "reload" would be more accurate, because if you've saved a flight since loading one, it is that last saved flight that will be reloaded, it won't "reset" back to the original. You will find that to be a very important difference if you use something like my AutoSave module to do regular saves automatically.

I hadn't noticed the 3110 offset. Im very new to programming like this, so could you please show an example using the 3110 offset sending for example: ctrl+E to FS?

You wouldn't use 3110 to send a KeyPress like Ctrl+E. You use 3110 to send controls to FS. Controls are the things which can be assigned to keypresses (in FSUIPC and in FS) or to buttons (in FSUIPC and, yes, in FS). There's a list of controls provided in the FSUIPC.ZIP package, so you should have one somewhere.

Controls have a name (as listed in the FSUIPC drop-downs, and used in the FS9.CFG file, in the Keyboard and Joystick assignments sections) and also a number -- the numbers are listed against the names in the document I provided.

To make FS action a control you just write its number to offset 3110. FSUIPC then does it for you.

What does Ctrl+E do on your system? Is that assigned to the Engine Auto Start? If so then the control is "ENGINE_AUTO_START" -- you can look up the number for that in the list.

I'm pretty sure the control normally allocated to the Ctrl+; keypress is "SITUATION_RESET", so you'll need the number associated with that particular control.



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  • 2 years later...

We have the same problem as Pskotte, and when I found this thread I thought the problem is solved. But let me say: I don't understand what do with Offset 3110. Can you help me? What value needs to be written to 3110, to reset the flight? Maybe I am blind, but I don't get it what to do with the table in FSUIPC User Guide.pdf

Thanks for your help in advance.

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We have the same problem as Pskotte, and when I found this thread I thought the problem is solved. But let me say: I don't understand what do with Offset 3110. Can you help me? What value needs to be written to 3110, to reset the flight? Maybe I am blind, but I don't get it what to do with the table in FSUIPC User Guide.pdf

You write the number corresponding to the FS control you want to execute to 3110, exactly as it says in the Programmers guide. The flight reset control is called "Situation reset" (flights used to be called situations, or .STN files).


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We have the same problem as Pskotte, and when I found this thread I thought the problem is solved. But let me say: I don't understand what do with Offset 3110. Can you help me? What value needs to be written to 3110, to reset the flight? Maybe I am blind, but I don't get it what to do with the table in FSUIPC User Guide.pdf

You write the number corresponding to the FS control you want to execute to 3110, exactly as it says in the Programmers guide. The flight reset control is called "Situation reset" (flights used to be called situations, or .STN files).


OK, now I found the control list, the document List of FS2004 Controls. Here I found SITUATION_RESET 65591. And now I am sending 65591 to Offset 3110? I will try that as soon as possible.

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