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Offsets for panels

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I hope someone can help me with this one. I would like to open and close panels (windows in panel.cfg) from an external program (SIOC). What are the offsets to open, for instance panel #2 (or better panel with ID 70) ?

And also, what are the offsets where I can see if a panel (by number or by ID) is visible at a certain time?

Thank you very much for you help. I have not found this in the documentation. Sorry if it is somewhere.


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I hope someone can help me with this one. I would like to open and close panels (windows in panel.cfg) from an external program (SIOC). What are the offsets to open, for instance panel #2 (or better panel with ID 70) ?

I don't know of any way to do that by ID, but you can send the FS controls for Panel 1-Panel 9 selection via offset 3110. You'll need the control numbers, which you will find in the "List of FSxxxx controls" documents availavle -- the FS2004 one is included in the FSUIPC package these days.

And also, what are the offsets where I can see if a panel (by number or by ID) is visible at a certain time?

I don't think there are any 'offsets' for that. Sorry. That's an area of FS I know very little about. I suppose if you are running on the same PC as FS you could ennumerate FS's Windows and try to identify them by window title, though that's user-definable I think. All the ClassNames are "FS98CHILD" so you can't identify them that way, and if they are undocked you have even more problems to find them.



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The controls you will want for use through offset 3110 are:




Each takes, as a parameter, the ID number of the panel window you wish to control.

There is a function defined in GAUGES.H to determine if a panel window is visible or not, but it is just that - a function, not an FS Key Event.

Doug Dawson

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The controls you will want for use through offset 3110 are:




Each takes, as a parameter, the ID number of the panel window you wish to control.

Ah! Thank you Doug. I didn't know about those.


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Thank you. My problem now is that I don't know to write the 8 bytes in one block. For instance what number do I have to write for control 66507 (KEY_PANEL_ID_OPEN) with the parameter 70 (my window ID) ?



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Thank you. My problem now is that I don't know to write the 8 bytes in one block. For instance what number do I have to write for control 66507 (KEY_PANEL_ID_OPEN) with the parameter 70 (my window ID) ?

Not one number, two numbers. You want a structure or an array with two numbers. In C something like:

int controls[2];

DWORD dwResult;

controls[0] = 66507;

controls[1] = 70;

FSUIPC_Write(0x3310, 8, (BYTE *) controls, &dwResult);


You must be able to do that in any language, after adapting it to suit of course.



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  • 5 months later...


I assume you added this to FSUIPC since it is possible to map buttons to turn panels on/off.

This is great but I have a related question. Do you know a way to determine the panel ident for panels with string or enumerated names? For example, what is the numeric ident for the "Collective_panel".

My aircraft has several named panels and I need to make sure they are off which seems to be only possible by supplying a numeric panel id.

I am hoping if you don't know the answer, someone else will.



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Do you know a way to determine the panel ident for panels with string or enumerated names? For example, what is the numeric ident for the "Collective_panel".

Aren't the IDs declared in the Panel.cfg file? In the line "ident= ..."?

For the FS-supplied default panels FS seems to understand names for the IDs. like "MAIN_PANEL", but these must always translate into the same numbers. For additional panels numbers are used in that declaration -- I assume these are the IDs you need?


Just found the built-in panel ids (they are in the Panels SDK):

// Panel identifiers
#define IDENT_MAIN_PANEL						      0
#define IDENT_THROTTLE_PANEL                    10
#define IDENT_RADIO_STACK_PANEL                 50
#define IDENT_COMPASS_PANEL                     75
#define IDENT_MINI_CONTROLS_PANEL               100
#define IDENT_ANNUNCIATOR_PANEL                 125
#define IDENT_ANNUNCIATOR2_PANEL                150
#define IDENT_IFR_MAIN_PANEL                    175
#define IDENT_COLLECTIVE_PANEL                  200
#define IDENT_GPS_PANEL                         225
#define IDENT_OVERHEAD_PANEL                    250
#define IDENT_USER                              10000
#define IDENT_USER_MAX				        	   19999
#define IDENT_AIRCRAFT_HUD_3D_PANEL             20000
#define IDENT_HELICOPTER_HUD_3D_PANEL           20001
#define IDENT_CONTROLS_HUD_3D_PANEL             20002
#define IDENT_TEXT_HUD_3D_PANEL                 20003
#define IDENT_DAMAGE_HUD_3D_PANEL               20004
#define IDENT_SCORE_HUD_3D_PANEL                20005
#define IDENT_LSO_WINDOW						      22000



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Thanks! That is excatly what I was looking for. I guess it was just to late in the evening :oops: . I scanned the SDK panels doc but didn't think about checking the header file.

Sorry to take up your time and THANKS!


:D :D

BTW, it never ceases to amaze me the things that can be done with FSUIPC.

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