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GF-Display, Doesn't hurt to ask, right?

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Hello again Mr. Dowson,

I am having a wonderful time with GF-Display and I have an idea, but, it is outside your design intention. I'm not sure how receptive you'll be, but I just have to ask.

Is it possible, and if so, would you consider adding a feature which would allow us to play a wav file or MP3 if a condition is true?

Where do I get these crazy ideas? Well, I have a button assigned to Pitot Heat. I've written the code in such a manner where the LED will flash if I need to turn on the Pitot Heat based on the outside air temp. So I thought a little beeping sound would be nice as well.

Hope you had a good vacation and Thanks for your time,


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Is it possible, and if so, would you consider adding a feature which would allow us to play a wav file or MP3 if a condition is true?

Check out pmSounds first, in the Project Magenta site.

>> I've written the code in such a manner where the LED will flash if I need to turn on the Pitot Heat based on the outside air temp. So I thought a little beeping sound would be nice as well. <<

Surely you mean anti-ice, not pitot heat? You should ALWAYS have pitot heat on when flying!



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Sorry, I forgot all about PMSounds. I didn't know I should have Pitot heat on during flight, thanks.

If I remember correctly, Anti-ice/De-ice has no affect in FS. I thought I read that somewhere. Can you confim or deniy?



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If I remember correctly, Anti-ice/De-ice has no affect in FS. I thought I read that somewhere. Can you confim or deniy?

I think it does do something in FS2004, as I do seem to recall times when I've had problems with icing -- in fact this is why I added the maximum icing level option in FSUIPC, because I thought a setting over 3 certainly is asking for some trouble if you don't switch on anti-icing. (I've ALWAYS remembered to switch on pitot heat so it couldn't have been that causing problems).

Try setting some cloud layers with maximum icing and flying through them with pitot heat on but anti-icing off, and let me know what happens!

Maybe others will chip in here.



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Try setting some cloud layers with maximum icing and flying through them with pitot heat on but anti-icing off, and let me know what happens!

You trying to get me killed! :lol: Just kidding. Thank you very much for your time and I hope you had a good visit, with your family. Welcome back to retirement work.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello Joe Skittles,

Although some time ago, i just read your 'crazy' idea (what's crazy??) of a flashing pitot heat knob.

I'm very interesting in this gadget installing for the Learjet45. Can you help me in this ??

Henk van Ahee

>> Where do I get these crazy ideas? Well, I have a button assigned to Pitot Heat. I've written the code in such a manner where the LED will flash if I need to turn on the Pitot Heat based on the outside air temp. So I thought a little beeping sound would be nice as well. <<

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Well, hmm. I've been on other hobbies for the past few months.

45=X029C =1;				Pitot Heat On
46=X11D0 S16 &lt;0;			Temp is Freezing

L7.1=C45 =1
L7.2=!C45 C46 =1 ffast

Here's what I have been using, but my dinner has arrived. I'll check back later to answer any questions.

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