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SendMessage offset 3200 ?

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Hi Pete,

I have a question about offset 3200, can I send any message in there or is it bound to only WM_KEYUP/DOWN ? ie can this be seen as a simple "SendMessage" parameter list ?

I am interrested in sending mouse events to simulate mouse clics on gauges.. the trick will be to determine the x/y positions but I have my idea about it..

thks for your time,


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I have a question about offset 3200, can I send any message in there or is it bound to only WM_KEYUP/DOWN ? ie can this be seen as a simple "SendMessage" parameter list ?

It is only for KEYUP and KEYDOWN. It doesn't actually do a "SendMessage", because that isn't effective in simulating keystrokes (they need to be processed in Windows to generate WM_CHAR and other messages and indications where appropriate).

They actually generate calls to the Windows "SendInput" API -- this is why it says you need Win98 or later, as that API didn't exist beforehand.

I am interrested in sending mouse events to simulate mouse clics on gauges.. the trick will be to determine the x/y positions but I have my idea about it..

Why send them via FSUIPC? As long as you are running on the same PC just send them directly to FS.



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Why send them via FSUIPC? As long as you are running on the same PC just send them directly to FS.

well this is it, I am running on another PC.. I thought about the following chain :

- a switch gets closed in my pit, the software on my laptop picks it up

- WideFS sends a keyboard key via offset 3200

- Key2Mouse intercepts it on the host and translates it into the correct mouse clic.

Now I have one question about this flow : will FSUIPC send the command at a high enough level so it will be picked up by key2mouse ? or is it using a low level which key2mouse won't intercept ?

thks for your prompt reply !


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Now I have one question about this flow : will FSUIPC send the command at a high enough level so it will be picked up by key2mouse ? or is it using a low level which key2mouse won't intercept ?

I think you have the "levels" upside down to the way I view them -- the lowest down you can get is hardware, so a keyboard sending keystrokes is real low. FSUIPC can't get that low, and it doesn't get down to driver level.

But it uses "SendInput" for the precise reason that this recently-added Windows API is supposed to reproduce the results just as if the keypresses had originated reasonably low down, so "fooling" most programs. The other way is to use the recorded playback facilities, but they are very awkward and need the program to have focus -- SendInput is specifically addressable.

If "key2mouse" manages to avoid seeing them it will be because it is using a much lower level access, effectively interrogating the keyboard itself, not processing windows messages, which is unlikely.



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