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Reading the DME with vb.net

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I'm trying to receive the dme (offset 0C29), using FSUIPC_Get.

But how do I convert the value into a string???

My code:

Private Sub GetDME1()

Dim intToken As Integer

Dim dwResult As Integer

Dim bteDME1() As Byte????????????

If Not FSUIPC_Read(&HC29, 5, intToken, dwResult) Then

lblMessage.Text = "read error code: " + dwResult.ToString


If Not FSUIPC_Process(dwResult) Then

lblMessage.Text = "process code: " + dwResult.ToString

End If

FSUIPC_Get(intToken, 5, bteDME1)?????????

lblDME1.Text = ????????????

End If

End Sub


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I'm trying to receive the dme (offset 0C29), using FSUIPC_Get.

But how do I convert the value into a string???

Well, in FS, Windows, and C/C++ terms, it IS a string already -- a sequence (array if you like) of bytes each containing a printable ASCII character value, ending with a zero byte.

As far a VB is concerned, I'm sorry, but I've no idea. VB seems to have trouble with strings, numbers, almost everything. I'll have to leave it to someone else, hopefully, to look at your code and comment.



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After playing around a bit, I found the error; here is the correct code:

Private Sub GetDME1()

Dim intToken As Integer

Dim dwResult As Integer

Dim x(4) As Byte

lblDME1.Text = String.Empty

If Not FSUIPC_Read(&HC29, 5, intToken, dwResult) Then

lblMessage.Text = "read error code: " + dwResult.ToString


If Not FSUIPC_Process(dwResult) Then

lblMessage.Text = "process code: " + dwResult.ToString

End If

FSUIPC_Get(intToken, 5, x)

For i As Integer = 0 To x.Length - 1

lblDME1.Text &= Trim(Chr(x(i)))


End If

End Sub

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