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I have posted this in the Level-D forum about the same question:


The Level-D does not support FSUIPC fully! I mean you cannot get all the info from the panel and control switches, rotaries in the panel via the generic FSUIPC FS2004 offsets.

Examples: Lights cannot be controlled, Nav1 and Nav2 are not supported...

Level-D has taken a new (and better approach): You should interface with the basic-SDK of Level-D (a collection of datatypes and functions in the C-language).

But if you want continue to interface via FSUIPC (which is the approach taken by programs for home cockpit buillders such as IOCards, FSBUS and EPIC), and not want to program in C yourself, the good news is:

I have made a freeware program that maps the basic-SDK of Level-D to FSUIPC. With this program, called FSCONV, you will have a whole new range of FSUIPC offsets available (for overhead states, NAV1 and NAV2 control, AFDS/MCP control, gear variables, COMM1 with freq tfr switch, ...).

More info at my website http://www.nicokaan.nl, page FSCONV


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