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.csv to .fsr file converter

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I have a long list of latitudes, longitudes, altitudes, and some compass readings in a comma separated values (.csv) file. I would like to have FS 2004 play these as a video clip. This means I need a utility that would convert my text file list of values into a bunch of frames.

(and I would imagine, come up with "dummy" stand-in FLT, PDIB, ODIB sections of the .fsr file)

Pete, Do you make such a utility? Does anyone know of such a utility? I would a) Pay for a copy or b) Pay to have one made (if reasonable co$t)

Please note: I do *not* want to use any sort of pipe, or inter-process communication. I just want an .fsr file that I can play back like anyother FS 2004 video clip, without having to run any other app while FS is running.

Thanks for any help you can give.

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  • 6 months later...

I'm private pilot and I'm also interested by playing a real flight in flight sim with a conversion of flight data to fsr file.

It seems that nothing exist already except maybe the 85% of KLMorris done.

I'm software engineer and would be grateful if I can get some sources in order to achieve the goal (don't have much time to start from zero).

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