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Hi Pete,

Trying to troubleshoot a problem for a Active Radar user. Does this FSUIPC log look correct? Any suggestions?

******** FSUIPC, Version 3.48 by Pete Dowson *********

Running inside FS2004 (FS9.1 CONTROLS.DLL, FS9.1 WEATHER.DLL)

User Name=""

User Addr=""

FSUIPC not user registered

WIDEFS not user registered, or expired

Module base=61000000



InitDelay: 0 seconds




2928282 System time = 20:36:27, FS2004 time = 19:18:18 (00:18Z)

2928282 *VIS* SM: Min=0.00, MaxRny=0.00, MaxOvc=0.00, MaxCld=0.00, MaxClr=0.00, Upper=60.00, FT: LwrAlt=0, UppAlt=25000

2928282 LogOptions changed, now 0000001F (LogExtras=1)

2928391 GetRealAddr(220002FC)=6108793C (orig 32FC)

2928391 READ0 32FC, 1 bytes: 04

2928391 GetRealAddr(2200D500)=61094B40 (orig 0BC0)

2928391 READ0 0BC0, 2 bytes: 8F 01

2928391 READ0 0B24, 1 bytes: 01

2928391 READ0 0366, 2 bytes: 00 00

2928391 READ0 0264, 2 bytes: 00 00

2928391 READ0 05DC, 2 bytes: 00 00

2928391 READ0 05DC, 2 bytes: 00 00

2928391 GetRealAddr(2200CB7C)=610941BC (orig 02BC)

2928391 READ0 02BC, 4 bytes: 09 82 00 00

2928391 READ0 057C, 4 bytes: 43 C8 F0 FF

2928391 READ0 0B6B, 1 bytes: 00

2928391 READ0 0574, 4 bytes: 46 0D 00 00

2928391 READ0 0570, 4 bytes: 00 00 F4 55

2928391 READ0 0574, 4 bytes: 46 0D 00 00

2928391 READ0 0570, 4 bytes: 00 00 F4 55

2928391 READ0 0020, 4 bytes: FD BD 00 00

2928391 GetRealAddr(24000060)=07003158 (orig 02C8)

2928391 READ0 02C8, 4 bytes: E8 06 00 00

2928391 READ0 0BEC, 4 bytes: 00 00 00 00

2928391 GetRealAddr(22000056)=61087696 (orig 0898)

2928391 READ0 0898, 2 bytes: 4A 3D

2928391 GetRealAddr(2200005A)=6108769A (orig 0930)

2928391 READ0 0930, 2 bytes: 4A 3D

2928391 GetRealAddr(2200005E)=6108769E (orig 09C8)

2928391 READ0 09C8, 2 bytes: 00 00

2928391 GetRealAddr(22000062)=610876A2 (orig 0A60)

2928391 READ0 0A60, 2 bytes: 00 00

2928391 GetRealAddr(24001509)=07004601 (orig 3428)

2928391 READ0 3428, 8 bytes: DA F0 50 37 E1 7A 3E 40

2928391 GetRealAddr(22002A00)=6108A040 (orig 6200)

2928391 READ0 6200, 1 bytes: 01

2928391 READ0 0EC6, 2 bytes: 6C 3F

2928391 READ0 0330, 2 bytes: 67 3F

2928391 READ0 0C4A, 1 bytes: 00

2928391 READ0 0C4B, 1 bytes: 00

2928391 READ0 0C48, 1 bytes: 00

2928391 READ0 0C4C, 1 bytes: 00

2928391 READ0 0C49, 1 bytes: 00

2928391 READ0 0350, 2 bytes: 40 10

2928391 GetRealAddr(2200C980)=61093FC0 (orig 3000)

2928391 READ0 3000, 6 bytes: 54 50 4C 00 00 00

2928391 GetRealAddr(2200C986)=61093FC6 (orig 3006)

2928391 READ0 3006, 6 bytes: 54 45 4D 50 4C 45

2928391 READ0 0C4E, 2 bytes: B6 00

2928391 READ0 0C50, 2 bytes: 00 00

2928391 GetRealAddr(2200CAF8)=61094138 (orig 0C29)

2928391 READ0 0C29, 5 bytes: 30 30 2E 30 20

299 00 00

  JSkorna said:

Trying to troubleshoot a problem for a Active Radar user. Does this FSUIPC log look correct? Any suggestions?

There's no errors there, but there's also no log of anything connecting. ActiveRadar.DLL will normally show up and be logged. The VERY odd thing is the gap between FS starting and FSUIPC actually logging anything:

2928282 System time = 20:36:27, FS2004 time = 19:18:18 (00:18Z)

The number on the left is the time since FS started, in milliseconds. That's over 48 minutes! What was happening in all that time? It looks like it's been edited or is part of a contniuation log, so there's no information about anything registering.

There's too much logging enabled too, confusing matters. What are the symptoms of the problem anyway? If you think it's registration, just enable Read and Write IPC logging, nothing else. And show a complete log, but a short one - i.e. load FS, see the problem, close FS.




Hi Pete,

It's a situation where Active Radar will work for a few sessions and then stop working, only to be fixed by a reinstall of Active Sky. But he has also noted that this seems to be linked to a problem with some freeware guages, hence the request for his log. I was hoping that the log would show something. What I am going to do is post a link to this thread and he can continue over here.

  JSkorna said:

It's a situation where Active Radar will work for a few sessions and then stop working, only to be fixed by a reinstall of Active Sky.

I seem to remember something like that being reported months or even years ago. I thought Damien solved it?

Surely the way to proceed is to identify precisely what "permanent" change can possibly be made in a session which affects the next session -- something somewhere in the data AS or the DLL is actually writing to disk, or to the registry, but be preventing it operating correctly on the next session. After all, it it isn't being written to disk how can it affect the next session, and how does reinstalling AS "rectify" it?

But he has also noted that this seems to be linked to a problem with some freeware guages, hence the request for his log. I was hoping that the log would show something.

From what you say I don't think you will ever find anything that way. What is being "remembered" from session to session, and what can be wrong with it? That's all you need to know. Damien surely should know what is being written by his programs?

Honestly, I know no other way of debugging such a problem. What does re-installing actually overwrite which has changed? Do a file comparison if you don't know what files the programs are writing to.

It's easy with FSUIPC (or any of my FS programs) because the only files they change which they then read in a later session are the INI and KEY files -- deleting those reverts to an initial default. Comparing before and after shows the changes. Can't you do this with AS?




Hi Pete,

It was solved, but this one instance has surfaced. Here is the explanation. I bring this here so you don't need to jump from forum to forum.


although i'm a real big fan of active sky, this is already the third time i am writing on this issue, the former times I resolved the problem by reinstalling the whole package, which is somehow a pain.

Active radar after a certain time always stops displaying rain and snow, even if it is mentioning rain and precipitation in the tracking reports of active radar, specially after not authorized gauges from freeware planes are trying to access fsuipc and were denied access. I suspect somehow there is a connection between the two things ( who I have to enter an Authorization code into fsuipc to fix that or how could it be resolved, in fact the weather radar is one of the nicer parts of active sky, and it is pity for me if it doesn't work . any ideas?

thansk Kurt"

  JSkorna said:

It was solved, but this one instance has surfaced. Here is the explanation. I bring this here so you don't need to jump from forum to forum.

It cannot be related to anything in FSUIPC, especially not registration, if whatever happens is not cancelled when another FS session is started. It has simply got to be something in AS or your DLL, because reinstalling one or the other or both, and their ancillary files, fixes it. You need to find out what your program is writing which causes this.

I cannot do that for you, I do not know your programs and have no sources for them, and really it is not my business. I am sorry, but this is really something you and Damien have to get to the bottom of.



  JSkorna said:
So the authorized guages that were denied access to FSUIPC has nothing to do with this?

I have no details of any "authorised gauges" denied access. The only positive information you have provided is that your programs work, then don't work (EVEN on a reload of FS!!!) and then work again after a re-install.

No matter what other problems your users may have with other things, this can ONLY mean you have data being created or changed which when reloaded in a subsequent session makes your program go wrong. That is the only inescapable conclusion from what you have told me. Corruption or problems which are in memory only cannot persist through reloads of FS (and especially not if the system is switched off in between), UNLESS the data is being saved. That's what you need to be looking at. Please apply a little logic here! ;-)

If your users have problems with other gauges ("authorised"?) then let them report them to me or their authors with some details, and they'll get dealt with. But you are just confusing yourself with this -- look at the basic logic of your report first, and deal with that. Okay?




This is a second logfile, it looks better than the first one but active radar still doesn't work. The gauge which I think maybe causes the problem is fuel gauge in an American Airline MD 80 Plan, every time after i load it it displays a mesage " some Gauges are not authorized for FSuipc Access.

Any Ideas?

********* FSUIPC, Version 3.48 by Pete Dowson *********

Running inside FS2004 (FS9.1 CONTROLS.DLL, FS9.1 WEATHER.DLL)

User Name=""

User Addr=""

FSUIPC not user registered

WIDEFS not user registered, or expired

Module base=61000000



InitDelay: 0 seconds




73047 System time = 12:10:10

73578 \\PLAYAS\C\Archivos de programa\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\

73578 System time = 12:10:10, FS2004 time = 12:00:00 (00:00Z)


123375 AIRCRAFT\c172\Cessna172SP.air

123609 Aircraft="Cessna Skyhawk 172SP"

128688 Client Application: "ASV" (Id=2136)

128688 C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Modules\ASV\ASV.exe

128781 Product="ASV"

128781 Company="HiFi Simulation Software"

133844 Program <2136> "ASV" access registration is okay

135219 Module identified = "ActiveRadar.dll"

135219 Module "ActiveRadar.dll" access registration is okay

135219 Module identified = "PMDGOptions.DLL"

135219 Module "PMDGOptions.DLL" access registration is okay

136938 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled

139938 NWI weather clear actioned

139938 External weather discarded

139938 WeatherOptions set, now 0000B12F (timer=255)

316469 AIRCRAFT\PMDG737-700\B737-700.air

316703 Aircraft="AeroMexico B737-700"

318281 Module identified = "PMDG_737NG_Main.GAU"

318281 Module "PMDG_737NG_Main.Gau" access registration is okay

318453 Module identified = "PMDG_ACS.GAU"

318453 Module "PMDG_ACS.Gau" access registration is okay

319078 Module identified = "PMDG_737NG_Overhead.GAU"

319078 Module "PMDG_737NG_Overhead.Gau" access registration is okay

384453 C:\Documents and Settings\Kurt Helm\Mis documentos\Flight Simulator Files\UI generated flight.flt

385297 Module "PMDG_737NG_Main.Gau" access registration is okay

385344 Module identified = "PMDG_ACS.GAU"

385344 Module "PMDG_ACS.Gau" access registration is okay

385516 Module identified = "PMDG_737NG_Overhead.GAU"

385516 Module "PMDG_737NG_Overhead.Gau" access registration is okay

386125 Clear All Weather requested: external weather discarded

410000 Traffic File #14 = "scenery\world\scenery\fslive"

410859 Traffic File #16 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_aimx2k4"

7670859 Traffic File #15 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic"

12860688 FS98 Pressure=1022.7 mb

12860688 FS98 Wind0: ground (570ft) to 5987ft AGL, dir 226M, vel 2, gust 0, turb 0

12860688 FS98 Wind1: 6558ft to 2998ft AMSL, dir=228T, vel 2, gust 0, turb 0

12860688 FS98 Wind2: 2998ft to 6000ft AMSL, dir=289T, vel 7, gust 0, turb 0

12860688 FS98 AmbientWind at PlaneAlt=35803: dir 91T, vel 6

12860688 FS98 Vis: range=42sm, (raw value=4200)

12860688 FS98 Temp0: to 570ft, Day 32.8C, NightVar 0.0C

12860688 FS98 Temp1: to 2998ft, Day 26.7C

12860688 FS98 Temp2: to 6000ft, Day 20.5C

12860688 FS98 Temp3: to 6069ft, Day 20.3C

12860688 FS98 CurrTemp at PlaneAlt=35803: -46C

12862375 READ0 0020, 4 bytes: FB AD 00 00

12862375 READ0 31E4, 4 bytes: 79 11 F3 29

12862375 READ0 0574, 4 bytes: A1 2A 00 00

12862375 READ0 0840, 2 bytes: 00 00

12864375 READ0 0020, 4 bytes: FB AD 00 00

12864375 READ0 31E4, 4 bytes: 79 11 F3 29

12864375 WRITE0 3478, 8 bytes: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

12864375 READ0 0574, 4 bytes: A1 2A 00 00

12864375 WRITE0 2DE0, 8 bytes: 00 00 00 00 00 00 57 40

12864375 WRITE0 2DE8, 8 bytes: 00 00 00 00 00 00 1C 40

12864375 WRITE0 3128, 4 bytes: 08 01 00 00

12864375 WRITE0 312C, 4 bytes: 08 01 00 00

12864375 WRITE0 3127, 1 bytes: FF

12864375 READ0 0840, 2 bytes: 00 00

12866375 READ0 0020, 4 bytes: FB AD 00 00

12866375 READ0 31E4, 4 bytes: 79 11 F3 29

12866375 WRITE0 3478, 8 bytes: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

12866375 READ0 0574, 4 bytes: A1 2A 00 00

12866375 WRITE0 2DE0, 8 bytes: 00 00 00 00 00 00 57 40

12866375 WRITE0 2DE8, 8 bytes: 00 00 00 00 00 00 1C 40

12866375 WRITE0 3128, 4 bytes: 08 01 00 00

12866375 WRITE0 312C, 4 bytes: 08 01 00 00

12866375 WRITE0 3127, 1 bytes: FF

12866375 READ0 0840, 2 bytes: 00 00

12866859 System time = 15:43:23, FS2004 time = 17:29:29 (22:29Z)

12866859 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

Memory managed: 2072 Allocs, 350480 Freed

********* FSUIPC Log file closed ****

Thanks in advance


2.6 Pentium HT

Nvidia 5700 Ultra at 530/1000 mhz

512 MB

Windows xp

  Mariosunshine said:
This is a second logfile, it looks better than the first one but active radar still doesn't work. The gauge which I think maybe causes the problem is fuel gauge in an American Airline MD 80 Plan, every time after i load it it displays a mesage " some Gauges are not authorized for FSuipc Access.

The log does not show any such plane being loaded nor any gauge being unauthorised. If you want me to help at all I would need to see a log which is relevant. There's absolutely no useful information in this one at all.

There's also absolutely no reason an unauthorised gauge to prevent an already loaded and working DLL from working -- unless the code in that gauge itself is going berserk and corrupting ActiveRadar in memory (which would indeed make it a dangerous gauge in any case). But why would it pick on ActiveRadar and leave everything else okay?

Sorry, but it is really up to the authors of the ActiveRadar module to determine exactly WHAT it is that doesn't work in their code, and sort that out. From what has been said so far it sounds as if it "almost works". If its access to FSUIPC were being lost surely it wouldn't work at all? The authors should be able to diagnose this easily enough with the correct logging. I cannot do so as it isn't my program and I don't even know what it is trying to do which doesn't work!



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