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PMDG 737 Nose Gear Issue

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I am having an issue with my PMDG 737's nose gear not going back to the center. What is happening is that when I make turns to the right the nose gear stays slighty off center, not returning completely to the center. I have to actually tap the rudder to the left in order for it to center properly. However, when I turn to the left, the nose gear returns completely to the center on its own. I have calibrated my joystick in FSUIPC and am getting correct values (the IN/OUT is returning to 0). Is there anything you can come up with that is causing this and any solutions? I have installed the new 3.5 FSUIPC and it has not corrected it.



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I have calibrated my joystick in FSUIPC and am getting correct values (the IN/OUT is returning to 0). Is there anything you can come up with that is causing this and any solutions? I have installed the new 3.5 FSUIPC and it has not corrected it.

FSUIPC doesn't "correct" trim errors. It sounds like your rudder trim is not zeroed. Find the rudder trim wheel and adjust that. It should be on the rear of the centre console.

I am very sorry, but FSUIPC simply does not "fix" everything in the world. It is mainly an interface for other programs to talk to FS and get information from it. The user facilities are useful, of course, but they only do what you ask of them. If your rudder trim is not centred FSUIPC is not going to be able to detect this and compensate for it.



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