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Problem with WideFS and FSExpand/FSClient

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Hello Peter & Co,

I've just installed the latest version of WideFS/WideClient and have noticed a potential problem/compatibility issue. I'm not sure whether the problem lies with Wide FS or the software I am using it with but hope someone here might be able to point me in the right direction.

I am running Wide FS on my main FS PC with Wide Client on a laptop. Wideclent is used to operate FSXpand/FSClient guages (http://www.flyware.nl)

My wideclient.ini contains the following entries


run1=C:\Program Files\FsClient 4.3\FsClient.exe


run2=C:\Program Files\FsXPand 4.3\FsXPand.exe




When WideClient starts I get an error message from FsClient saying ‘Run-time error ’53’: File not found’. FSXpand runs exactly as expected.

When I remove these entries from the ini file and start wideclient, fs client and fs expand manually I have no error messages at all. As far as I am aware the problem has only started sicne upgrading to the latest version of wideclient but am unable to confirm this as I did not retain a copy of the previous version. Can one be downloaded from anywhere ?

I hope this makes sense and someone is able to assist, I have also sent an email to the FSXpand people in the hopes they are able to help as well.


Bruce Cunnington

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My wideclient.ini contains the following entries


run1=C:\Program Files\FsClient 4.3\FsClient.exe


run2=C:\Program Files\FsXPand 4.3\FsXPand.exe




It might be a good idea to put quotation marks aound the C:\ paths. It shouldn't make any difference, but I am always suspicious of paths containing spaces.

When WideClient starts I get an error message from FsClient saying ‘Run-time error ’53’: File not found’. FSXpand runs exactly as expected.

Can you find out from the makers what files they are trying to load, please? It may simply be they way they load files -- WideClient will load the program but it is up to the program to find its files. It may be looking for them in the WideClient folder because that is the "current" folder. Programs should really not assume this and instead should find out where they've been loaded from, but ancient MSDOS type practice was to assume these two paths were the same.

Try placing WideClient and its INI file in the FsClient 4.3 folder and running it from there. The other way would be to make a short cut and run that from WideClient instead. You can specify the "current path" in a shortcut.

I really don't think this is any change in WideFS.



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Try placing WideClient and its INI file in the FsClient 4.3 folder and running it from there.

Bingo ! Problem solved !

Pete, many thanks for your quick reply and for providing this software in the first place. I will point this out to the FSXpand folks and hopefully they will fix this.



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