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Elements missing in FS Modules menu (is it FSUIPC?)

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Is it possible that FSUIPC blocks some other dll modules? Let me describe the problem I have. I start FS2004. In Menu Modules there are 3 modules (AdvDispaly, SB3, FSUIPC). I can run SB3 with no problem. But when I use (before using SB3) some module, like FSNavigator or the newest module EURoute something wrong happens with Modules Menu. The entry from SB3 just disapear and the only modules which stay in menu Modules are AdvDisplay and FSUIPC.

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Is it possible that FSUIPC blocks some other dll modules? Let me describe the problem I have. I start FS2004. In Menu Modules there are 3 modules (AdvDispaly, SB3, FSUIPC). I can run SB3 with no problem. But when I use (before using SB3) some module, like FSNavigator or the newest module EURoute something wrong happens with Modules Menu. The entry from SB3 just disapear and the only modules which stay in menu Modules are AdvDisplay and FSUIPC.

No. If you have the menu hidden by default, it doesn't even actually exist until it is called up again. Programs that add stuff have to watch for menu calls and re-insert their items each and every time. FSUIPC and my other programs do this, as does FSNav, but it sounds like SB3 isn't reacting to the same Windows events.

Please report this to the SB3 support folks.



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