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Wide FS: How difficult is the installation and gains in FPS

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I could put together a home network after a lot of trial and errors with three PC (all Windows XP)...

I downloaded WideFS with a view to try it, but unlike FSUIPC "light" (I mean the non registered version), there is no way to see if one is able to make WideFS work and what are the gains in FPS on the main computer. Of course I read the instructions but quite frankly feel intimidated by the networking procedure which sounds less than obvious for a non IT person like me!

In short, once one has a running network (my case) FSUIPC registered installed (also my case), does one still need to get through the network configuration or is it not necessary? (that question alone will tell you how much I know about this whole matter!). If not, then my credit card is ready.

On a different note, did anyone try to figure what gain in FPS a WideFS setup would offer?

Many thanks for any feedback.


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Apologies for the delay in my reply -- as announced in this Forum I've been away with no Internet access from 24th September until 12th October.

Of course I read the instructions but quite frankly feel intimidated by the networking procedure which sounds less than obvious for a non IT person like me!

Provided all your PCs are running WinXP, then since WideFS 6.50 there is virtually nothing to do except install the programs. You don't even have to provide Server Names and stuff now.

On a different note, did anyone try to figure what gain in FPS a WideFS setup would offer?

None at all if you aren't unloading some external programs from the FS PC. And even then it depends on what processor you are using on that PC. For instance a hyperthreading P4 will run FS and several external programs with virtually no degradation in any of them.

The prime purpose of WideFS isn't really to gain performance, though it can help, but to support more applications on more screens.



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