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SA-WXR problems

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I have been reading the various posts both on this forum and the AOG (SA_WXR) forum and see there have been issues with SA-WXR and the latest versions of FSUIPC/WideServer/Client

To resolve this, I have downloaded the interim versions of FSUIPC/WideServer/Client and the latest version of SA-WXR (1.2.2) but SA-WXR still fails to start with a CONFIG FILE ERROR message.

Have I missed something ?

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I have been reading the various posts both on this forum and the AOG (SA_WXR) forum and see there have been issues with SA-WXR and the latest versions of FSUIPC/WideServer/Client

Only if you are loading it using one of the Run parameters in WideClient.ini. Are you?

Even then, the problem is only because SA_WXR (exceptionally) expects the default disk folder to be the one it loaded from. That's easy to ensure by simply running WideClient from the same folder. It was fixed in any case in the interim release available above.

Most Windows-based programs deterine their load location by using the appropriate Windows API call. The practice of assuming the current folder is the one you want derives from way back in DOS days.

To resolve this, I have downloaded the interim versions of FSUIPC/WideServer/Client and the latest version of SA-WXR (1.2.2) but SA-WXR still fails to start with a CONFIG FILE ERROR message.

I don't know that one -- the original problem didn't seem to relate to config files at all, at least as far as its error report went. Sorry. You'll need to ask Florian.



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