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Thanks Pete

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Been away from flightsim for an extended period (2-3 years)

Bought Flightsim '04 last weekend, and already found your great work.

Found I just had to order some of that - thanks for writing the good stuff!

Looking forward to seeing if I can get inventive with it all. (it's where the fun is!) :wink:

You are going on into 2006 with it all aren't you? (despite what you wrote about that) I've not just bought this for only 2 months have I? :P

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You are going on into 2006 with it all aren't you? (despite what you wrote about that) I've not just bought this for only 2 months have I? :P

FS2004 is still around in 2005, isn't it? What's this about 2 months? If you mean "the next version of FS", if and when that may be, I'm no fortune teller. But I try my best -- after all I have a big investment in using my own programs myself, with a 737 cockpit and a separate light aircraft setup.



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Mostly it was a "leg pulling" type remark addressing something you said about surviving long enough to make updates and then whether you'd carry on with FS2006 or whatever it might be called anyway. It was in one of the "why pay for x" type monologues! :wink: (do people really need telling why? )

Anyhoo, keys for both products arrived bright and early this moring and it's all fine so far.

Thanks once again for writing this seriously interesting & useful software.

I'm sure I shall enjoy tinkering with it all.

Just need to find a good replacement for FSNav now, not quite so happy that it can't be used easily on a laptop using wideFS. I'd rather find something that can use wideFS, as it's clearly a good way to go. Only got a 5Gb drive on the laptop. (XP Pro ate half of that 2004 would eat the othe r half, I'd like to use it for other things too!)

I bought FSNav once before and lost the key to a HD crash, and a bit of naivity on my part (backed up wrong bit to cd! :roll: ). I'd more or less buy it again in a flash, but something is nagging at me and telling me to look for something more easily wideFS comapatible. I've Not found it yet! :? An open niche :?:

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