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Hi Peter

I've been reloading all my flight sim stuff after reformating my hard drive. My FSUIPC zip file had been saved on an external Hard Drive (fortunately). I extracted the dll file to my Modules file OK, but when I attempt to Register it again, the paid, Registration Key I used would not be accepted.

What should I do?

Thanx, John Membrino



the most popular reason for this to happen would be a typo when entering the registration details. The best way is to copy and paste them from the notification email you received on purchase or from your old (backed up) fsuipc.key file.



  jnmembrino said:

My FSUIPC zip file had been saved on an external Hard Drive (fortunately).

It isn't important to backup the FSUIPC.zip file -- the latest one is always available from http://www.schiratti.com/dowson in any case (and in fact there's a later DLL in the top Announcemet in this Forum).

The more important thing to backup, or keep a hard copy of, is either the FSUIPC.KEY file, which contains your registration details in readable form, or the original email notifying you of same.

... when I attempt to Register it again, the paid, Registration Key I used would not be accepted.

This is sure to be because you are getting something wrong. I'm always amazed at the number of different ways folks spell their own names, even. All three parts (name, email, Key) must be exactly as originally notified and registered.




Hi Pete,

Thanks for getting back to me on this. Unfortunately, I can't find the email which I had previously saved, but I had recorded my 'Key' number on a typed list of access numbers that I keep. I'm pretty sure I copied it correctly and entered it correctly in the registration window.

I'm not sure I should display that key here, but if you feel that it would be helpful, I could send it to you in an email. Mine now is: jnmembrino@comcast.net

Regards, John Membrino

  jnmembrino said:
Unfortunately, I can't find the email which I had previously saved, but I had recorded my 'Key' number on a typed list of access numbers that I keep. I'm pretty sure I copied it correctly and entered it correctly in the registration window.

But, as I said, your name and email must also be exactly as they were when you purchased the registration. All three fields are needed. They are inter-dependent.

I'm not sure I should display that key here, but if you feel that it would be helpful, I could send it to you in an email. Mine now is: jnmembrino@comcast.net

Don't display anything here. And a Key on its own is useless to me, I would need the name and email too (the ones you bought it with) in order to check it. Have you no idea what name and email you used? Do you change them regularly?

If you think you have all the details and still can't get it to accept them, include them in an email to me at petedowson@btconnect.com and I'll check them here. But if you have forgotten any part of the essential three pieces of data then really there is no way possible to retrieve the situation. Without those details or your receipt from SimMarket (or wherever) there's no way to retrieve your purchase.



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