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F16 radar

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The problem is my radar has ceased to function, have renterd key, removed pre 2k gauges entered other application keys all to no avail have been useing radar in many different panels and plane successfully till now . your assistance please .see attachment for log details

You are using version 3.48 of FSUIPC, which is old and which I cannot support. however, the log shows no attempt at an access by any recognised gauge at all, only some illegal access unidentified.

If you want further help please first update to a supported release -- 3.50 or later. Version 3.51 will be released within two weeks and then 3.50 won't be supported.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi guess what, ? loaded the latest version with no joy just a blank screen, have reentered keys for all gauges and removed old gauges still nothing, your help please.

Sorry, the FS16.GAU is a real problem on some folks systems. I know it has been "fixed" by some folks, by reinstalling Windows and other drastic things. It isn't FSUIPC, but something peculiar about the way that one particular gauge is written. It seems to do things in the wrong order on some systems, in some circumstances. This has been going on for two years and no solution has been found. It works fine on all my systems and on most others.

You only have two choices. Either pay for and register FSUIPC, or find an alternative TCAS gauge which works properly all the time. The Lee Hetherington ones are fine (ILH_TCAS or similar).



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