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FS2002, FSUIPC & FSMetar 1.55

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Hello.. I currently run FS2002 with FSUIPC 2.975 and recently added FSMetar 1.54 (also 1.55b) -- close to registering FSUIPC finally!!

My question is pertaining to FSMetar. In FS8, ATIS is not correctly reporting the Temp and Dew Point, nor does the destination airfield know it's wind direction. It cannot clear for landing properly until in the local zone. Is FSUIPC 3.51 able to rectify these issues?

Are there any known problems with registering FSMetar (1.54 or 1.55) in the newer versions of FSUIPC?

Lastly, in FS8 with Wx region changes.. many times the winds will shift 180 deg or even 270 deg and then shift back aGaiN. This can play havoc with airspeeds while cruising. Sounds like a fix in 3.51?

Thanks for any replies. Enjoy Sim regularly!!


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My question is pertaining to FSMetar. In FS8, ATIS is not correctly reporting the Temp and Dew Point, nor does the destination airfield know it's wind direction. It cannot clear for landing properly until in the local zone.

In FS2002 all weather programs could do was set Global weather -- i.e. set the weather the same everywhere. As you fly, the weather, everywhere, is changed by the weather program. Therefore the weather at your destination is actually the same as the weather at your aircraft. It would be this that ATIS reported.

Weather programs like FSMeteo and ActiveSky had options, for use with FS2002, to set the destination weather at a given number of miles out from the destination, so that you would know what it would be within that range, and the ATIS would be correct. For programs such as Radar Contact, which had their own ATIS reports and runway assignments, FSMeteo made special arrangements to supply them the destination weather without having to fix it in advance.

I don't know if any provision was ever made in FSMetar for these things.

The problems don't arise in FS2004 because FSUIPC is able to set localised weather, and programs like FSMeteo and ActiveSky make full use of these facilities.

Is FSUIPC 3.51 able to rectify these issues?

No, only in FS2004, and then only if the weather program makes use of the new localised weather facilities.

Are there any known problems with registering FSMetar (1.54 or 1.55) in the newer versions of FSUIPC?

FSUIPC is kept compatible with all of its previous versions -- even FS98 programs should still run okay, provided either that you purchase a user registration, or the programs concerned have an access key. There is an Access Key provided for FSMetar, but I don't know if it is built into versions 1.54 or 1.55. If they are the most recent then you should be okay.

Lastly, in FS8 with Wx region changes.. many times the winds will shift 180 deg or even 270 deg and then shift back aGaiN.

Have you tried wind smoothing in FSUIPC?



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