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WideClient FS98

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Hi Peter,

WideFS has been working perfect in my PC. Just wondered why everytime WideClient was started, there's a message in the title bay saying 'WideClient FS98 Eliminator - Connected'. I only connected WideFS to FS9 in my main PC. There's FS2002 installed in client PC, FS2000 and FS9 in my main PC, but not FS98 in both PCs.

Besides, what add-ons are you using while playing FS9 with WideFS ? Just want to know because I am quite worried about adding new FS add-ons due to conflict problems.



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WideFS has been working perfect in my PC. Just wondered why everytime WideClient was started, there's a message in the title bay saying 'WideClient FS98 Eliminator - Connected'.

Because the interface FSUIPC and WideFS presents to applications was invented for and designed for FS98. Even FS's main Window is called "FS98MAIN". Wideclient replaces FS98MAIN for applications to see, thinking they are connecting to the FS98 interface.

Besides, what add-ons are you using while playing FS9 with WideFS ?

What am I using? Well one or all of these, not necessarily all at the same time, but mostly so:



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