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PFC Avionics COM1 <-> COM2 switched

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I'm using the PFC Cirrus II and Avionics stack with MSFS v9.1. I've installed FSUIPC v353 and PFC v1921.

Everything works well except that COM1 and COM2 are switched when controlled within MSFS. That is to say, if I change COM1 in MSFS, COM2 is changed on the avionics stack. Similarly, COM1 on the stack changes COM2 on the screen.

I've looked through the options, but can't find the reason. Any clues why?

Thank you for your kind attention.

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I'm using the PFC Cirrus II and Avionics stack with MSFS v9.1. I've installed FSUIPC v353 and PFC v1921.

PFC DLL Version 1.996 works a bit better than 1.921 -- you can get it from the "interim versions" announcement at the top of this forum.

Everything works well except that COM1 and COM2 are switched when controlled within MSFS. That is to say, if I change COM1 in MSFS, COM2 is changed on the avionics stack. Similarly, COM1 on the stack changes COM2 on the screen.

I've looked through the options, but can't find the reason. Any clues why?

There are extensive facilities in PFC.DLL for using both COM1 and COM2 interchangeably. These were first in place in the days when FS only supported COM1. They were kept for use with programs like Radar Contact and on-line services such as AVSIM which use COM1 exclusively -- it allows 4 frequencies all to be preset and switchable to the active COM1 radio.

The same facilities are used on the Jetliner console, which only sports a single COM radio, to allow use of both COM1 and COM2 in FS.

It sounds like you have enabled these facilities, and possibly inadvertently activated a swap.

I'm not sure why you've not found the details, but they are the first to be extensively described in the Avionics Options section of the manual, under the sub-heading COM radios

Please check the section in the document and come back if you still can't sort it out.



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Thanks for the hints Pete.

I've managed to pinpoint the problem.

It was as simple as pushing the ON/OFF button on COM1!

By pure chance, I've never encountered this before despite having played with the buttons many times!

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